順道VPN 是基於開源及完全去中心化的西蒂姆(Citum)開發的 突破網絡審查(陸:翻墻、科學上網)的VPN工具。它把坊間流行的VPN系統作出了比較重大的改良和升級,幫助用戶克服了重大應用技術疼點。數碼證書被認為比密碼身份驗證更安全,因為數碼證書消除了任何形式的、用戶憑據重置策略的必要性。 順道VPN 用戶以安全數碼證書(“通行證書” 間接地通過西蒂姆(Citum)的去中心化網絡節點 獲取用戶身份認證 ,而不是使用用戶名及密碼組合在VPN服務器上直接進行認證。

西蒂姆客戶端 安卓apk

注:西蒂姆(Citium)客戶端App和其內置的即時聊天工具(CIM) 對所有人開源及永久免費使用。

LubeVPN is a VPN Internet censorship circumvention application built on an open-source and fully decentralized technology: Citium. It is a radical departure and upgrade from all the popular VPN systems in the open marketspace, resolving a major technical pain point. Digital certificates is regarded as a more secure regime than password authentication because certificates eliminate the necessity of any sort of credential reset policy. LubeVPN users authenticate indirectly through Citium decentralized network of nodes using their secure digital certificates (“CERT”) instead of directly through the VPN servers using username/password combinations.

Citium Client Android apk

Note: Citium Client app and its Instant Messenger (CIM) is open-source and permanently free-to-use for everyone.

Censorship Circumvention

順道VPN是基於西蒂姆(Citum)建立的。西蒂姆的去中心化網絡身份及數據混淆技術能讓 順道VPN的用戶匿名地、自由自在地上網。除此之外, 順道VPN能繞過最嚴峻的網絡審查(甚至是其他VPN服務商無法繞過的),所以其用戶能順暢無阻地讀取和瀏覽任何全世界任何一個受到互聯網審查封禁的網站。

LubeVPN is built on Citium. Citium’s decentralized network identity and data obfuscation technology enables LubeVPN users to surf the Internet anonymously and freely. Moreover, LubeVPN can circumvent the strictest Internet censorship that most other VPN service providers cannot circumvent so that users can access and surf any blocked content smoothly.

Technical Pain Point



On the one hand, regulators use Internet censorship systems to control and suppress Internet contents. On the other hand, Internet surfers use software, such as VPN, to circumvent the suppression so that they can access suppressed web domains and IP addresses. Some can succeed but most fail because regulators are always upgrading their censorship mechanism. The extent of Internet censorship of some regulators has gone beyond just limiting user access to sensitive web domains and IP addresses. Their censorship mechanisms have even started to use machine learning algorithms to analyze Internet traffic data in order to block VPN service access. VPN services that are still using username/password combination as authentication regime are exceptionally vulnerable to this kind of obtrusive Internet censorship.

All VPN service providers have to authenticate their users’ access rights before authorizing access. Conventional VPN service providers authenticate their users through user-side client to VPN-side server communication (i.e. two-way handshake ), which exhibit easily detectable traffic patterns. In fact, the more popular a VPN service becomes, the more susceptible it is to suppression because its tens of thousands of two-way handshake that happens on the Internet are simply too conspicuous. Hence, most of the popular VPN brands fail to circumvent network censorship that’s getting more and more stringent.

Decentralized Solution

相比之下, 順道VPN 的用戶不使用傳統的、與VPN服務器的雙向握手 進行認證,而是通西蒂姆(Citum)的分佈式網絡節點 進行認證 。與傳統的雙向握手不同, 順道VPN 通過西蒂姆(Citum)的隨機節點 進行多向握手 進行認證 。用戶只可以通過西蒂姆(Citum)網絡節點 間接地與VPN服務器接觸,直到VPN訪問被授權為止,不產生可被辨識成是VPN流量的信息特征。事實上,西蒂姆(Citum)客戶端App應用越是流行(即,節點 越多),用戶認證過程中產生的多向握手 與普通的互聯網數據就越無法被區分。因此,使用 順道VPN的互聯網用戶可以規避即便是最嚴酷的審查技術。

In contrast, LubeVPN users do not use conventional two-way handshake to communicate with VPN servers. Instead, the users communicate indirectly with VPN servers through the decentralized Citium network of nodes . Authentication on LubeVPN is more like a multi-way handshake through randomized nodes of Citium. Users engage indirectly with VPN servers through other user nodes of Citium until VPN access is authorized. The process shows no recognizable VPN traffic patterns. In fact, the more popular Citium Client app becomes (i.e. more nodes ), the more indistinguishable the multi-way handshaking traffic is from regular Internet traffic. Hence, Internet surfers that use LubeVPN can circumvent even the most stringent censorship system.

Ground-Breaking Tech

順道VPN從芸芸最強的加密算法中選擇了合適的算法作為用戶的數據傳輸,可以在特別敏感的社政管理地區繞過萬里的網絡重圍,全自動地幫你選擇最佳服務器,恍如無間地高速通向所有境外受限內容,更可以避免網絡提供商(ISP)的網速限制 順道VPN整個服務流程百分百完全匿名,絕對不記錄任何用戶個人隱私信息,過程中絕不收取用戶實名電郵或身份證明。用戶只可以通過安全數字證書(“通行證書”) 申辦和激活服務。

LubeVPN utilizes some of the strongest encryption algorithms to transport user data. It automatically chooses the best server that can circumvent blocking, bypass restrictive censorship, and avert ISP bandwidth speed throttling. LubeVPN respects the total privacy of all existing and even prospective users. No private information is ever asked, not to mention recorded. Prospective customers do not need to provide email, name or any kind of identification to use the service. Users can only apply and activate LubeVPN service through secure digital certificates (“CERTs”) .









User InfoSec

傳統用戶管理系統依賴中央化服務器的關系型數據庫記錄用戶註冊、推薦人與受薦人之間的關系,安全和匿名程度都比較低。反觀, 順道VPN的用戶登記和推薦系統是通過數字簽名和數字證書以P2P的形式來綁定的。更具體來說, 順道VPN不單不記錄任何用戶信息,就連推薦系統都用了推薦人的獨特數字簽名和受薦人持有的簽名數字證書(即,已簽署的《免費通行證書》來安全地、隐蔽地綁定彼此的關系, 不會被記錄在任何第三方關係型數據庫上,有效地防範用戶個人數據洩露與關聯性信息分析於未然

Traditional user management systems rely on relational databases on centralized servers to record user registrations and the referral relationships. That regime is prone to security and privacy breach. In contrast, LubeVPN’s referral relationships are recorded by securely and privately binding digital signatures and their signed certificates in a peer-to-peer fashion. More specifically, LubeVPN does not ask for or record any user information. A referral relationship in LubeVPN is securely bound based on the unique digital signature of the referrer and the signed digital certificate (i.e. signed CERT ) held by the referred user, not recorded in any third-party party relational database, effectively preempting user data breach and link analysis.

No Log Policy

順道VPN不記錄任何接來自用戶的網絡接駁來源的信息。 順道VPN從技術設計上來說,在本質機制上不能記錄也 不會記錄任何用戶個人信息 順道VPN僅記錄數據使用量,用以確保服務質量,及預防服務被濫用。 順道VPN的用戶可以安心地使用 順道VPN,因為每張加密安全證書只可同時用於一台終端, 順道VPN是 不允超過一台終端同時使用一張證書 的。

Lube VPN does not record network routing information, such as originating IP and device. LubeVPN is also technically designed so that it is inherently incapable to record and will not record any user information such as name, phone or ID. LubeVPN only records VPN traffic volume usage to ensure quality of service and to prevent service misuse. Users can feel secure because the usage is exclusively allowed to be accessed on a one-on-one basis: one (1) LubeVPN cryptographically secure certificate can only be used on one (1) device at the same time. Simultaneous access of one certificate on multiple devices is prohibited.

簽署 和 認證
Signing & Validation

順道VPN是不會任意地接受任何一個《免費通行證書》的認證請求的,而是僅限於由持有有效的(未過期的)通行證書的簽署者簽署過的《免費通行證書》。簡單來說,只有被現有 順道VPN用戶簽署過的《免費通行證書》, 順道VPN才會接受其請求 去認證它。認證通過後,持有該《免費通行證書》的受薦人才能獲得授權訪問 順道VPN的VPN服務。

LubeVPN will not accept validation requests from any CERT unless it is signed by one who holds a valid (i.e. unexpired) CERT . Simply put, LubeVPN only validates CERTs signed by existing users. Once a validation succeeds, the holder of the valid CERT is authorized to access LubeVPN service.

溫馨提醒: 每一個持有已簽署的《通行證書》的持有者都有責任不丟失自己的《通行證書》 。尤其要小心,不要不小心清除了存儲《通行證書》的 Citium 客戶端 app 的數據,因為已簽署的《通行證書》是唯一的能證明推薦人與受薦人關系的證據。用戶不論任何原因遺失《通行證書》,如卸載並重裝 Citium 客戶端 app,遺失或更換手機,平板或電腦而未預先備份《通行證書》,用戶將永久地無法重新登入、亦同時失去該《通行證書》的存取及使用權,並且會永久失去《通行證書》關聯的 Citium 即時通訊工具的通訊帳戶、聯絡人列表、對話紀錄及所有通訊存儲內的多媒體資料和其使用權。而 順道VPN的客服、代理及管理員於任何情況下均無法協助用戶重新登入、存取及使用該《通行證書》,這也是我們安保設計的精妙之處。

GENTLE REMINDER: Every holder of the signed CERTs is responsible for not losing one’s own signed CERT. Be careful not to accidentally clear the data of the Citium Client app that stores the signed CERT because it is the only evidence to prove the user registration status, as well as the referral relationship between its user and its signer. If a user loses the signed CERT for any reason (e.g. uninstalls and reinstalls the Citium Client App; loses or replaces the mobile phone, tablet or computer; fails to back up the CERT in advance), the user will no longer be able to log back in, permanently lose access access to service, including everything related to Citium Instant Messenger, such as Contacts list, its chat history and its multimedia contents. LubeVPN’s customer service representatives, partnership agents and administrators are under no circumstances able to assist the user to log in, access and use the CERT again, which is the beauty of our security design.

CERT Renewal

順道VPN以現收現付的方式向付費通行證書 持有者提供VPN服務,因為VPN流量需要我們維護部署在全球多國的VPN服務器。

LubeVPN provided VPN service to the holders of paid CERT on a pay-as-you-go basis because the sheer traffic volume of VPN require us to maintain multiple servers in different countries around the world.

Renewal Rate

推廣活動期間,費率 按續時週期收費。一次性續時週期 越長則折扣優惠越大、可享受流量配額 越大。每個週期的剩餘流量配額 逾期不留;即,激活起每30天一個週期的流量配額 如果用不完,不能留待到下一個週期繼續使用。

During our promotion period, rates will be based on the renewal period: the longer the one-time renewal timeframe , the greater the discount and the greater the traffic quota , which is reset on every 30th day since the day of activation. The unused leftover traffic quota will not rollover to the next period.




$12.95 30 ≤100 ~380
$57.45 180 ≤110 ~417
$86.15 360 ≤120 ~455

:假設的大前提是 順道VPN會員用戶只用於觀看 YouTube 標準制式的 480p 視頻,而這種制式的視頻約每小時消耗264 MB的VPN流量。那麼,如果會員按30日續時,則可以在每30日享用高達380小時;如果會員按180日續時,則可以在每30日享用高達417小時;如果會員按360日續時,則可以在每30日享用高達455小時。

: The assumption is that LubeVPN members only use the YouTube standard 480p video format, which consumes about 264 MB of VPN traffic. So, if you are a 30-Day member, you can enjoy up to 380 hours for every 30 days; if you are a 180-Day memberr, you can enjoy up to 417 hours for every 30 days; and if you are a 360-Day member, you can enjoy up to 455 hours for every 30 days.

Payment Methods

順道VPN用戶可以通過多種 抵值形式續時(延長接受服務的週期)。暫時提供給用戶續時的抵值形式有:

Users can use choose from several methods to renew in order to extend the usage of LubeVPN:

Coinbase Coins
Fiat Credits
Netflix Bundle
Vitual Cards
Physical Cards

用戶先自行選擇一種抵值形式(不允許多種形式混合),採購足夠額度的抵值商品。採購成功後,敬請在支付完成後,聯繫順道VPN官方客服,讓我們協助您完成續時抵值的餘下手續。注: 順道VPN官方客服只經由西蒂姆(Citum)客戶端App內的在線客服 提供咨詢: > > >

Choose a payment method to your liking (mixing different methods is not allowed). After procuring sufficient amount of crypto coins, fiat credits, virtual or physical cards, you can contact our LIVE HELP as soon as you finished the payment. You can find in the Citium Client app by navigating as follows: > > >

By Coinbase Coins

Acceptable Cryto Coins

順道VPN通過國際知名的 Coinbase Commerce 加密幣充值接口和錢包接受抵值。接受的各種流行加密幣種有 Bitcoin、Bitcoin Cash、Dai、Ethereum、Litecoin 和 USD Coin。請按您希望抵值的續時週期點擊進入 Coinbase Commerce 充值購買所需的等值。敬請在支付完成後,聯繫順道VPN官方客服,讓我們協助您完成續時抵值的餘下手續。注: 順道VPN官方客服只經由西蒂姆(Citum)客戶端App內的在線客服 提供咨詢: > > >

You can renew LubeVPN through Coinbase Commerce by Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dai, Ethereum, Litecoin & USD Coin. Please contact our LIVE HELP as soon as you finished the payment. You can find in the Citium Client app by navigating as follows: > > >

30日 續時需相當 12.95 USD 加密幣抵值
30-Day Renewal @ 12.95 USD of Crypto

180日 續時需相當 57.45 USD 加密幣抵值
180-Day Renewal @ 57.45 USD of Crypto

360日 續時需相當 86.15 USD 加密幣抵值
360-Day Renewal @ 86.15 USD of Crypto

By Fiat Membership Credits

Fiat Currency Credits

中港台常用抵值辦法,由「易電票」(https://etickets.hk/)提供,敬請在支付完成後,聯繫順道VPN官方客服,讓我們協助您完成續時抵值的餘下手續。注: 順道VPN官方客服只經由西蒂姆(Citum)客戶端App內的在線客服 提供咨詢: > > >

Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan users can use eTickets.HK to renew membership. Please contact our LIVE HELP as soon as you finished the payment. You can find in the Citium Client app by navigating as follows: > > >

30/180/360-Day Renewal

Netflix Discount


順道VPN 為您帶來的奈飛特別折扣:從 奈飛 (Netflix) 官方價格起五折優惠!所有家庭計劃提供奈飛高級超高清 (Netflix Premium Ultra HD, 4K) 流媒體服務,全球直接來自官方奈飛!


  • 單月家庭計劃 (6.50 USD):
    • 奈飛高級超高清 1个月
  • 半年家庭計劃 (35.00 USD):
    • 奈飛高超超高清 6个月
  • 全年家庭計劃 (74.00 USD):
    • 奈飛高級超高清 12个月

奈飛單月/半年/全年家庭計劃 的付款網關由eTickets.hk 提供:

Netflix 單月/半年/全年家庭計劃

敬請在支付完成後,聯繫順道VPN官方客服,讓我們發送相關奈飛的登錄和使用信息給您。注: 順道VPN官方客服只經由西蒂姆(Citum)客戶端App內的在線客服 提供咨詢: > > >

Netflix special discount brought to you by LubeVPN: 50% OFF from Netflix official price!

All Family Plan offer Netflix Premium Ultra HD (4K) Streaming Service direct from Netflix. Each Plan includes one (1) Master Account and four (4) Profile Accounts for your family members. Note that you cannot change the login username of the Netflix Master Account assigned to you but you can customize the password of the Master Account. In other words, each Family Plan can concurrently support up to five (5) devices allowing you and your family members to access Netflix service from non-mainland China IPs (e.g. IPs from Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan, US, UK, Australia, Canada etc). Family Plan offers three options as follows:

  • Family Plan Jr. (6.50 USD):
    • Netflix Premium 1 Month
  • Family Plan Plus (35.00 USD):
    • Netflix Premium 6 Months
  • Family Plan Jumbo (74.00 USD):
    • Netflix Premium 12 Months

Payment gateway of Netflix Plan Jr./Plus/Jumbo is offered by eTickets.hk.

Netflix Plan Jr./Plus/Jumbo

Please contact our LIVE HELP as soon as you finished the payment so that we can send you the usage instructions and login/password combination for Netflix. You can find in the Citium Client app by navigating as follows: > > >

Netflix + LubeVPN



每一個捆綁計劃都已經包含了上面相應計劃中的所有服務功能。新增的 順道VPN服務可以讓您在中國大陸境內或境外都能流暢地訪問奈飛流媒服務。每一個捆綁計劃都有30天一個計算週期的VPN流量配額 ,自激活之日起,每30天重置一次。未使用的剩余流量配額將不會被轉入下一個30天的計算週期。

  • 單月捆綁家庭計劃 (18.45 USD):
    • 奈飛高級超高清 1个月
    • 順道VPN 30-日 100 GB
  • 半年捆綁家庭計劃 (88.70 USD):
    • 奈飛高超超高清 6个月
    • 順道VPN 180-日 110 GB
  • 全年捆綁家庭計劃 (148.80 USD):
    • 奈飛高級超高清 12个月
    • 順道VPN 360-日 120 GB

奈飛單月/半年/全年捆綁家庭計劃 的付款網關由eTickets.hk 提供:

Netflix 單月/半年/全年捆綁家庭計劃

敬請在支付完成後,聯繫順道VPN官方客服,讓我們發送相關奈飛的登錄和使用信息給您。注: 順道VPN官方客服只經由西蒂姆(Citum)客戶端App內的在線客服 提供咨詢: > > >

If you so happen traveling to China and intend to access Netflix from inside mainland China, please select the Bundled Plan below because Netflix has a IP Restricted Area Policy. Each Bundled Plan already includes all service features in the corresponding Plan above. The added LubeVPN service allows you to access Netflix smoothly both from inside mainland China or aboard. Each of them has a 30-Day VPN traffic quota, which is reset on every 30th day since the day of activation. The unused leftover traffic quota will not rollover to the next period.

  • Bundled Plan Jr. (18.45 USD):
    • Netflix Premium 1 Month
    • LubeVPN 30-Day 100 GB
  • Bundled Plan Plus (88.70 USD):
    • Netflix Premium 6 Months
    • LubeVPN 180-Day 110 GB
  • Bundled Plan Jumbo (148.80 USD):
    • Netflix Premium 12 Months
    • LubeVPN 360-Day 120 GB

Payment gateway of Bundled Plan Jr./Plus/Jumbo is offered by eTickets.hk.

Bundled Plan Jr./Plus/Jumbo

Please contact our LIVE HELP as soon as you finished the payment. You can find in the Citium Client app by navigating as follows: > > >