Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | science of the formation of the earth's crust |
1 typography 2 geogeny 3 micrology 4 cardiology 5 topology | |
2 | study of war |
1 runology 2 nautics 3 neonatology 4 diabology 5 polemology | |
3 | study of teeth |
1 catechectics 2 odontology 3 epidemiology 4 phenomenology 5 physics | |
4 | study of mites |
1 psychopathology 2 metallography 3 acarology 4 pelology 5 carpology | |
5 | study of drawing symbols |
1 iconography 2 traumatology 3 thermokinematics 4 cardiology 5 geology | |
6 | study of paper |
1 hydrography 2 catalactics 3 micrology 4 papyrology 5 nephology | |
7 | study of sanitation; health |
1 epistemology 2 hygienics 3 hygiology 4 philology 5 vinology | |
8 | study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics |
1 graphemics 2 malariology 3 biology 4 ctetology 5 idiomology | |
9 | study of old age |
1 malariology 2 geratology 3 petrology 4 thaumatology 5 gerocomy | |
10 | study of gums |
1 periodontics 2 docimology 3 sphagnology 4 zymurgy 5 linguistics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | study of saints |
1 astrogeology 2 gnotobiology 3 areology 4 hagiology 5 algedonics | |
12 | the study of wealth; political economy |
1 neurobiology 2 batology 3 rheology 4 ktenology 5 chrematistics | |
13 | study of anaesthetics |
1 chaology 2 anaesthesiology 3 metallurgy 4 cryptology 5 immunology | |
14 | scientific study of vines and winemaking |
1 micropalaeontology 2 ergonomics 3 homiletics 4 coleopterology 5 vinology | |
15 | study of wild mammals |
1 lexicology 2 therology 3 psychognosy 4 theology 5 orchidology | |
16 | study of the universe |
1 neurypnology 2 metallogeny 3 cosmology 4 metaphysics 5 pseudology | |
17 | study of Mars |
1 microphytology 2 spongology 3 dioptrics 4 dermatology 5 areology | |
18 | art of engraving on steel |
1 siderography 2 aristology 3 catechectics 4 osmics 5 harmonics | |
19 | study of the planet Jupiter |
1 bromatology 2 cosmetology 3 microphytology 4 mastology 5 zenography | |
20 | study of signs and signals |
1 emmenology 2 semiology 3 caricology 4 acarology 5 penology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | study of or treatise concerning opium |
1 larithmics 2 astrogeology 3 meconology 4 toxicology 5 potamology | |
22 | study and correction of speech defects |
1 otology 2 phoniatrics 3 kinesics 4 phenomenology 5 thaumatology | |
23 | study of life under cold conditions |
1 metapolitics 2 autecology 3 chalcotriptics 4 cryobiology 5 catechectics | |
24 | science of the properties of matter |
1 nasology 2 hydrogeology 3 urology 4 syphilology 5 somatology | |
25 | science of ideas |
1 semiology 2 limnology 3 sophiology 4 irenology 5 gerocomy | |
26 | study of alien spacecraft |
1 chirography 2 nasology 3 clinology 4 ufology 5 ecclesiology | |
27 | study of influence of stars on people |
1 turnery 2 etymology 3 cosmology 4 astrology 5 microclimatology | |
28 | study of disease |
1 demology 2 hygiology 3 pathology 4 radiology 5 nomology | |
29 | art of making diagrams or drawings |
1 sigillography 2 diagraphics 3 castramentation 4 selenology 5 bibliology | |
30 | the art of engraving on copper or brass |
1 psychogenetics 2 gastronomy 3 ergonomics 4 chalcography 5 codicology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | study of ferns |
1 mineralogy 2 pteridology 3 trophology 4 bionomics 5 sindonology | |
32 | study of ants |
1 sociology 2 liturgiology 3 dialectology 4 myrmecology 5 synectics | |
33 | study of syphilis |
1 syphilology 2 iconography 3 statics 4 gyrostatics 5 reflexology | |
34 | study of monsters, freaks, abnormal growths or malformations |
1 onomastics 2 kymatology 3 toreutics 4 teratology 5 heortology | |
35 | study of the shroud of Turin |
1 sindonology 2 histology 3 paedotrophy 4 metaphysics 5 oneirology | |
36 | study of watercourses |
1 chrysology 2 electrology 3 arachnology 4 fluviology 5 trophology | |
37 | study of sailing along rhumb-lines |
1 glaciology 2 melittology 3 zoonomy 4 sphragistics 5 loxodromy | |
38 | the study of skin patterns and fingerprints |
1 chalcography 2 speleology 3 pedology 4 dermatoglyphics 5 enzymology | |
39 | study of blood |
1 urenology 2 hematology 3 significs 4 fluviology 5 phenology | |
40 | the study of weapons |
1 typology 2 climatology 3 nematology 4 hoplology 5 bioecology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | science of breeding domestic animals and plants |
1 zoophytology 2 aerolithology 3 deontology 4 angelology 5 thremmatology | |
42 | the study of nematodes |
1 historiography 2 synectics 3 nematology 4 spongology 5 diplomatics | |
43 | study of sediment |
1 palynology 2 dendrochronology 3 thalassography 4 schematonics 5 sedimentology | |
44 | the art of casting horoscopes |
1 genethlialogy 2 mineralogy 3 stratigraphy 4 neuropsychology 5 sociobiology | |
45 | study of hair and its disorders |
1 trichology 2 toponymics 3 scripophily 4 dysteleology 5 osmology | |
46 | study of drugs |
1 hymnography 2 codicology 3 optology 4 pharmacology 5 mathematics | |
47 | study of the skull |
1 craniology 2 mycology 3 helcology 4 zymology 5 alethiology | |
48 | science of wealth |
1 aphnology 2 primatology 3 proxemics 4 systematology 5 futurology | |
49 | study of effects of work on humans |
1 oology 2 ergology 3 batology 4 microphytology 5 electrology | |
50 | art of cookery |
1 physics 2 hydropathy 3 dactyliology 4 magirics 5 bioecology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | study of cosmetics |
1 tribology 2 koniology 3 cosmetology 4 chorology 5 agrobiology | |
52 | descriptive astronomy and mapping |
1 gyrostatics 2 uranography 3 venereology 4 magirics 5 astrophysics | |
53 | scientific study of smells |
1 eremology 2 osmics 3 otorhinolaryngology 4 criminology 5 significs | |
54 | science of quantity or dosage |
1 posology 2 horography 3 limacology 4 oryctology 5 thermology | |
55 | study of early humans |
1 cetology 2 loimology 3 laryngology 4 palaeoanthropology 5 hygrometry | |
56 | pigeon-collecting |
1 parthenology 2 stratography 3 topology 4 geography 5 peristerophily | |
57 | study of garbage |
1 hypsography 2 xylography 3 synecology 4 garbology 5 neurology | |
58 | study of pornography |
1 somatology 2 parasitology 3 coprology 4 magirics 5 hypsography | |
59 | study of fevers |
1 astrology 2 eremology 3 pyretology 4 venereology 5 hymnography | |
60 | study of grasses |
1 aretaics 2 carcinology 3 graminology 4 zoophytology 5 philematology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | study of ancient lakes |
1 palaeolimnology 2 urology 3 hydrobiology 4 uranology 5 tonetics | |
62 | study of biology of the mind |
1 mineralogy 2 zoonomy 3 spectrology 4 psychobiology 5 immunopathology | |
63 | study of mechanics of gases |
1 ciselure 2 astrophysics 3 rheumatology 4 chalcotriptics 5 pneumatics | |
64 | study of ground water |
1 meconology 2 hydrogeology 3 morphology 4 characterology 5 hygiology | |
65 | study of phrases |
1 potamology 2 pyroballogy 3 astrophysics 4 ecclesiology 5 phraseology | |
66 | art of raising silkworms |
1 magnanerie 2 neurobiology 3 ergonomics 4 posology 5 gnotobiology | |
67 | study of peat moss |
1 irenology 2 microphytology 3 sciagraphy 4 geochronology 5 sphagnology | |
68 | study of geological layers or strata |
1 stratigraphy 2 dysteleology 3 acology 4 kidology 5 typography | |
69 | art of shading |
1 toxophily 2 magnanerie 3 sciagraphy 4 teleology 5 conchology | |
70 | study of spelling |
1 palynology 2 phytology 3 planetology 4 orthography 5 pharology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | study of midwifery |
1 emetology 2 uranology 3 obstetrics 4 myrmecology 5 chaology | |
72 | the study of meteors |
1 papyrology 2 meteoritics 3 oikology 4 irenology 5 radiology | |
73 | study of extraterrestrial geology |
1 symbology 2 pseudoptics 3 astrogeology 4 naology 5 endocrinology | |
74 | study of natural or biological character |
1 morphology 2 koniology 3 ethology 4 astrology 5 bioecology | |
75 | study of China |
1 acarology 2 andragogy 3 historiology 4 Sinology 5 nosology | |
76 | study of light refraction |
1 atmology 2 dioptrics 3 geology 4 immunology 5 pteridology | |
77 | study of excrement or obscene literature |
1 satanology 2 scatology 3 oenology 4 helminthology 5 planetology | |
78 | study of early Christianity |
1 typography 2 topology 3 patrology 4 stylometry 5 nephrology | |
79 | the art of horsemanship |
1 arachnology 2 chemistry 3 oceanology 4 manŠge 5 metallurgy | |
80 | study of agriculture |
1 geoponics 2 pyretology 3 philology 4 gemmology 5 historiography | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | study of precious metals |
1 ideogeny 2 chrysology 3 chaology 4 pseudoptics 5 demology | |
82 | study of reproduction and heredity |
1 accidence 2 genesiology 3 nephology 4 meteorology 5 chirology | |
83 | science of time measurement |
1 demonology 2 pneumatics 3 horology 4 sindonology 5 sphygmology | |
84 | study of artistic work in metal |
1 stoichiology 2 toreutics 3 cometology 4 acology 5 thremmatology | |
85 | study of immunity |
1 paedology 2 mechanics 3 craniology 4 immunology 5 paedotrophy | |
86 | study of alloying and treating metals |
1 suicidology 2 palynology 3 urenology 4 insectology 5 metallurgy | |
87 | study of racial degeneration |
1 cacogenics 2 ontology 3 hydrology 4 docimology 5 coprology | |
88 | study of decadence and decay |
1 phycology 2 geratology 3 nautics 4 toponymics 5 zoophytology | |
89 | study of wines |
1 paroemiology 2 oenology 3 pelology 4 paedotrophy 5 archelogy | |
90 | art of constructing catalogues |
1 neonatology 2 mythology 3 anagraphy 4 mesology 5 virology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | the art of measuring time using sundials |
1 gnomonics 2 sphygmology 3 electrostatics 4 manŠge 5 aerodonetics | |
92 | study of extraterrestrial life |
1 satanology 2 exobiology 3 palaeoanthropology 4 dactyliology 5 tectonics | |
93 | study of molluscs |
1 malacology 2 pisteology 3 hematology 4 nomology 5 dactylology | |
94 | study of organisms interacting in their environments |
1 avionics 2 apiology 3 kinetics 4 pteridology 5 bionomics | |
95 | study of rocks |
1 magnanerie 2 urology 3 petrology 4 pyrgology 5 accidence | |
96 | study of the hands |
1 historiology 2 grammatology 3 hoplology 4 chirology 5 toreutics | |
97 | animal physiology |
1 endemiology 2 chalcotriptics 3 anaglyptics 4 stylometry 5 zoonomy | |
98 | study of behaviour of interstellar matter |
1 dendrology 2 astrophysics 3 acology 4 semantology 5 euthenics | |
99 | study of mental illness |
1 pedology 2 plutology 3 uranography 4 psychopathology 5 oneirology | |
100 | science of humidity |
1 hydrometeorology 2 papyrology 3 alethiology 4 storiology 5 hygrometry |