Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | reader of the epistle in Anglican service |
1 adytum 2 antipedobaptism 3 epistoler 4 cincture 5 prothonotary | |
2 | rounded extention of church or other building |
1 menology 2 chevet 3 retable 4 apse 5 monophysitism | |
3 | floor-length open-fronted ecclesiastical garment |
1 anamnesis 2 adytum 3 invination 4 pluvial 5 stylite | |
4 | papal decree deciding a point of church law |
1 menology 2 pericope 3 bursary 4 sticheron 5 decretal | |
5 | church caretaker or usher |
1 autocephality 2 apologetics 3 beadle 4 hymnal 5 sacrarium | |
6 | monk who spends much time on tops of pillars |
1 stylite 2 catholicos 3 martyrium 4 gradual 5 chancel | |
7 | special temporary dispensation granted by the Catholic church |
1 rogation 2 chrism 3 indult 4 chancery 5 beadle | |
8 | female reader in church |
1 Mariolatry 2 lavra 3 osculatory 4 invitatory 5 lectrice | |
9 | anthem sung as a response during church service |
1 antiphon 2 incardination 3 orphrey 4 ordinal 5 vestry | |
10 | covering cloth laid upon Communion chalice |
1 retable 2 pall 3 novena 4 agapeistic 5 unhouseled | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | book containing complete service for mass |
1 simony 2 eschaton 3 cathedra 4 missal 5 classis | |
12 | doctrine that Christ had two wills |
1 pannicle 2 bullary 3 pronaos 4 ditheletism 5 triforium | |
13 | psalm or anthem sung before prayer during church service |
1 invitatory 2 ancress 3 caesaropapism 4 staurolatry 5 proseuche | |
14 | shelf or ornamental setting for panels behind an altar |
1 paten 2 retable 3 cenacle 4 festilogy 5 messianism | |
15 | part of church reserved for performing baptisms |
1 baptistery 2 psalmody 3 unction 4 orison 5 deiparous | |
16 | handkerchief; scarf attached to bishop's staff |
1 psalmody 2 kirking 3 orarium 4 purificator 5 cartulary | |
17 | part of a church off to one side of main structure |
1 oblation 2 exequy 3 refectory 4 transept 5 sacerdotalism | |
18 | appearance of Christ to men |
1 christophany 2 psilanthropism 3 prelacy 4 ubiquitarianism 5 prelate | |
19 | hymn in praise of God |
1 lavatory 2 requiescat 3 cantorial 4 theody 5 stylite | |
20 | roofed gate of a churchyard |
1 pall 2 lychgate 3 transubstantiation 4 curate 5 sedilia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | aisle down the east end of a church |
1 ridel 2 nuncio 3 ambulatory 4 lavatory 5 chrismation | |
22 | papal court and its officials |
1 mandorla 2 autotheism 3 zeta 4 zymite 5 curia | |
23 | messenger between two parties; low-ranking papal legate |
1 recusant 2 internuncio 3 tester 4 ablegate 5 accensor | |
24 | tenet or belief on which a theological system is indifferent |
1 decanal 2 adiaphoron 3 baptistery 4 ciborium 5 oculus | |
25 | belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and mankind |
1 requiescat 2 christophany 3 chaplet 4 bema 5 sacerdotalism | |
26 | clergyman temporarily replacing regular priest |
1 autotheism 2 locum 3 frankalmoign 4 magnificat 5 fossarian | |
27 | dining-hall of a monastery or other institution |
1 sticharion 2 lustration 3 refectory 4 monotheletism 5 kerygma | |
28 | manifestation or appearance of a god to people |
1 collegialism 2 calotte 3 theophany 4 psalmodist 5 lauds | |
29 | one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences |
1 consistory 2 colporteur 3 paraclete 4 exeat 5 pardoner | |
30 | part of mass between epistle and gospel |
1 repository 2 gradual 3 lection 4 eschaton 5 canoness | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | square three-ridged cap worn by Catholic clergy |
1 burse 2 biretta 3 chrismatory 4 mendicant 5 monstrance | |
32 | prayer book |
1 triduum 2 saltire 3 sigillum 4 euchology 5 recusant | |
33 | haircloth worn as penance |
1 censer 2 theophany 3 corporal 4 cilice 5 scapular | |
34 | episcopal church government |
1 compline 2 postlude 3 prelacy 4 mendicant 5 pernoctate | |
35 | theory that church is independent from the state |
1 collegialism 2 colporteur 3 proseuche 4 cenobite 5 poppyhead | |
36 | candidate for a religious order |
1 consistory 2 postulant 3 transept 4 decretal 5 hyperdulia | |
37 | hermit; religious recluse |
1 sepulchre 2 frontal 3 soutane 4 pietism 5 eremite | |
38 | books of the Bible used in early Christianity |
1 nave 2 pax 3 sext 4 antiphon 5 homolegomena | |
39 | without shoes; barefoot; a religious order wearing no shoes |
1 mozzetta 2 discalced 3 confiteor 4 concordat 5 mendicant | |
40 | church office dealing with legal matters and archives |
1 frankalmoign 2 benefice 3 chancery 4 repository 5 chrismatory | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | recess in church wall for storing communion vessels |
1 fenestella 2 rescript 3 compline 4 sigillum 5 affusion | |
42 | prayer service held at 6 a.m. |
1 cenacle 2 theotokos 3 prime 4 mandriarch 5 schola | |
43 | short holy song or sung prayer |
1 rood 2 canticle 3 monstrance 4 paedobaptism 5 pietism | |
44 | container for holding consecrated Communion wafers |
1 theody 2 anamnesis 3 glebe 4 housel 5 ostensory | |
45 | belief that the members of the Trinity are separate gods |
1 cantorial 2 agrapha 3 mystagogical 4 pax 5 tritheism | |
46 | monks in general; monasticism; behaviour of monks |
1 monkery 2 encolpion 3 transept 4 superhumeral 5 christophany | |
47 | presence of Christ's blood in sanctified wine |
1 agapetae 2 ubiquitarianism 3 calotte 4 invination 5 purificator | |
48 | permission from bishop for clergyman to work elsewhere |
1 monstrance 2 presbytery 3 exeat 4 hymnal 5 biretta | |
49 | covering or canopy over a throne or altar |
1 doxology 2 crosier 3 ambulatory 4 baldaquin 5 adiaphoron | |
50 | pastoral staff or crook held by bishop or abbot |
1 monkery 2 crosier 3 indulgence 4 martyrolatry 5 rogation | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | end of the world; end time |
1 cathedra 2 apologetics 3 adiaphoron 4 eschaton 5 tropology | |
52 | lament or mass for the dead |
1 requiem 2 sacramentarianism 3 cellarer 4 exegetic 5 sanbenito | |
53 | one withdrawn from the world for religious reasons |
1 messianism 2 feretory 3 guimpe 4 cilice 5 anchorite | |
54 | clerical vestment worn on the left arm |
1 maniple 2 vernicle 3 Mariology 4 cenobite 5 oculus | |
55 | white robe put on newly baptised child |
1 pnematomachy 2 hearsecloth 3 fossarian 4 chrisom 5 hymnody | |
56 | ecclesiastical self-government |
1 cilice 2 autocephality 3 cathedra 4 pieta 5 messianism | |
57 | an excerpt or passage read during religious services |
1 mozzetta 2 hanap 3 pericope 4 stole 5 agapeistic | |
58 | raised part of an Eastern church containing the altar |
1 miter 2 chancel 3 bema 4 archimandrite 5 unalist | |
59 | teaching function of the Catholic church |
1 vernicle 2 christophany 3 concelebrate 4 magisterium 5 galilee | |
60 | doctrine of life and afterlife |
1 bullary 2 obit 3 cartulary 4 bulla 5 eschatology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | reliquary; cross worn on the breast |
1 compaternity 2 pnematomachy 3 sticheron 4 martyrology 5 encolpion | |
62 | tablet decorated with sacred figure and kissed by participants in mass |
1 zeta 2 missal 3 pax 4 galilee 5 postulant | |
63 | pair of pictures on hinged panels; register of bishops and saints |
1 taperer 2 apocrisiary 3 internuncio 4 comprecation 5 diptych | |
64 | denial of Christ's divinity |
1 internuncio 2 prelate 3 bardocucullus 4 hegumene 5 psilanthropism | |
65 | explanatory, especially of Scripture |
1 epiclesis 2 psilanthropism 3 adytum 4 prelacy 5 exegetic | |
66 | papal officer who registers and dates bulls and edicts |
1 magisterium 2 hagioscope 3 datary 4 kyrie 5 dalmatic | |
67 | prayer service held at 3 p.m. |
1 nones 2 cingulum 3 saltire 4 nuncio 5 theologaster | |
68 | former Catholic pardon granted for remission of punishment for sins |
1 procathedral 2 indulgence 3 eschatology 4 tester 5 classis | |
69 | archbishop holding authority over other bishops |
1 rood 2 misericord 3 recusant 4 metropolitan 5 indulgence | |
70 | Roman Catholic skullcap |
1 prelate 2 transubstantiation 3 christophany 4 passalorynchite 5 calotte | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | strip of fine linen worn as cloak or wrap by priest at mass |
1 breviary 2 exequy 3 amice 4 coadjutor 5 cincture | |
72 | enclosed space at the front of a church |
1 aspersory 2 pulpitum 3 beadle 4 sacristy 5 parvis | |
73 | belief in a single messiah or saviour |
1 rescript 2 postulator 3 antilegomena 4 messianism 5 psalmodist | |
74 | box or vessel in which coins or consecrated Eucharist are kept |
1 exeat 2 wicket 3 pyx 4 hassock 5 tunicle | |
75 | the first five books of the Old Testament |
1 retable 2 unalist 3 chaplet 4 pentateuch 5 discalced | |
76 | priestly; bound by religious convention |
1 holobaptism 2 hieratical 3 mersion 4 requiem 5 chantry | |
77 | to jointly recite the canon of the Eucharist in unison with others |
1 frontal 2 antependium 3 concelebrate 4 martyrium 5 requiem | |
78 | surplice-like vestment of a bishop or abbot |
1 orarium 2 cantorial 3 thurifer 4 rochet 5 soutane | |
79 | study of martyrs |
1 cellarer 2 censer 3 bethel 4 stole 5 martyrology | |
80 | porch in front of church |
1 galilee 2 curia 3 eremite 4 caesaropapism 5 canoness | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | church ceremony given to women after childbirth |
1 lavabo 2 custos 3 churching 4 auto-da-fe 5 epistoler | |
82 | ceremony in which priest washes his hands; basin for the ceremony |
1 corporal 2 incardination 3 lychgate 4 lavabo 5 theotokos | |
83 | canticle in praise of the Virgin Mary |
1 sext 2 magnificat 3 wicket 4 hyperdulia 5 autotheism | |
84 | short verse in church service normally followed by response |
1 versicle 2 menology 3 ciborium 4 iconostasis 5 cenacle | |
85 | radiant light around head or body of holy personage |
1 aureole 2 transubstantiation 3 mandorla 4 ablegate 5 capuchin | |
86 | ritual washing; ablution |
1 pluvial 2 collegialism 3 panegyricon 4 liturgician 5 lustration | |
87 | writing room; room used by monastic scribes |
1 diphysitism 2 scriptorium 3 affusion 4 guimpe 5 modalism | |
88 | belief in the dual nature of Christ |
1 diphysitism 2 suffragan 3 transept 4 monstrance 5 paten | |
89 | papal treasurer |
1 purificator 2 bursary 3 sinecure 4 pluvial 5 camerlengo | |
90 | fold or flap on a garment or headdress worn by priest |
1 cathisma 2 ambulatory 3 messianism 4 responsory 5 lappet | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | circlet or wreath for the head; short string of prayer beads |
1 chaplet 2 aggiornamento 3 calotte 4 scholasticate 5 pyx | |
92 | ecclesiastical office to which revenue is attached |
1 hagioscope 2 benefice 3 missal 4 donative 5 cilice | |
93 | vessel for holding holy oil |
1 reredos 2 catechumen 3 agrapha 4 chrismatory 5 tester | |
94 | pointed hooded cloak worn by friars |
1 capuchin 2 reliquary 3 apocrisiary 4 scapular 5 ambulatory | |
95 | platform for altar; portable altar or decoration upon it |
1 retrochoir 2 predella 3 oculus 4 catholicos 5 cingulum | |
96 | head of a nunnery |
1 scapular 2 beadle 3 pentateuch 4 novena 5 hegumene | |
97 | canopy over a bed, pulpit or altar |
1 tester 2 apocrisiary 3 lection 4 antipedobaptism 5 faldstool | |
98 | giver of alms; social worker in a hospital |
1 theody 2 almoner 3 vernicle 4 monkery 5 chaplet | |
99 | inferior veneration of saints and angels in comparison with God |
1 Mariolatry 2 dulia 3 burse 4 paraclete 5 dalmatic |