Quiz 3 of 50 -- Ecclesiastical Terms

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 representation of praying figure in early art 1 recusant
2 orant
3 osculatory
4 catabaptism
5 lectern
2 ecclesiastical assembly or council 1 synod
2 faldstool
3 ancress
4 nuncio
5 altarage
3 small table for holding sacred vessels 1 orant
2 bema
3 donative
4 credence
5 bullary
4 cloth covering for head and neck worn by nuns 1 wimple
2 cathedra
3 monophysitism
4 monergism
5 ridel
5 control of the church by a secular ruler 1 caesaropapism
2 antipedobaptism
3 angelus
4 concordat
5 christophany
6 space in choir behind high altar 1 nave
2 vespers
3 liturgician
4 retrochoir
5 aggiornamento
7 collection of church hymns 1 hymnal
2 benefice
3 nuncio
4 canoness
5 exeat
8 east end of a church 1 tetragrammaton
2 chevet
3 pronaos
4 internuncio
5 orison
9 books of the New Testament not part of early Christian Bible 1 beadle
2 curia
3 ordinal
4 antilegomena
5 vernicle
10 collection of papal bulls 1 simony
2 lychgate
3 bullary
4 bethel
5 pronaos
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 primate of Armenian or Nestorian church 1 catholicos
2 parvis
3 kyrie
4 pannicle
5 magisterium
12 study of theological salvation 1 soteriology
2 encolpion
3 magisterium
4 sinecure
5 bullary
13 sleeveless ecclesiastical garment 1 chasuble
2 eparchy
3 ambry
4 monkery
5 responsory
14 the reciprocal existence of three parts of the Trinity in each other 1 circumincession
2 pall
3 galilee
4 gradual
5 collegialism
15 monastery official in charge of provisions 1 cingulum
2 starets
3 mystagogical
4 cellarer
5 messianism
16 screen behind altar 1 reredos
2 zeta
3 eparchy
4 ancress
5 chrisom
17 calendar with list of services for each day of the year 1 ordo
2 reredos
3 litany
4 oblate
5 oblation
18 room where the Last Supper was eaten 1 ambulatory
2 novena
3 cenacle
4 martyrology
5 lavra
19 belief that sacraments have unusual properties 1 messianism
2 chrism
3 bullary
4 sacramentarianism
5 mersion
20 study of the Virgin Mary 1 chancel
2 rogation
3 galilee
4 oblation
5 Mariology
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 one who studies or recites church rituals 1 martyrology
2 minster
3 liturgician
4 laicism
5 laicisation
22 book of private devotions 1 catechumen
2 deodate
3 novena
4 orarium
5 rochet
23 chief registrar of a court; keeper of canonisation records 1 versicle
2 prothonotary
3 anchorite
4 encolpion
5 guimpe
24 closing piece of music at end of church service 1 absconce
2 cincture
3 tiara
4 postlude
5 naos
25 sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches 1 eremite
2 bullary
3 rochet
4 diaconicon
5 chaplet
26 oval panel containing a work of art; elliptical halo around holy person 1 mandorla
2 vesturer
3 laic
4 eirenics
5 hanap
27 freestanding canopy to cover altar; vessel for holding eucharistic bread 1 unhouseled
2 prime
3 transept
4 ciborium
5 cenobite
28 funeral rites; procession 1 exequy
2 housel
3 chasuble
4 confirmand
5 apocrisiary
29 worship of the cross or crucifix 1 censer
2 lauds
3 superhumeral
4 staurolatry
5 confirmand
30 prayer meeting 1 psalmodist
2 chancel
3 comprecation
4 jube
5 adoptionism
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 to pass the night in vigil or prayer 1 anchorite
2 prelate
3 oblation
4 pernoctate
5 nuncio
32 belief in unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit 1 catholicos
2 transept
3 ostensory
4 modalism
5 superhumeral
33 room in church where sacred objects are kept 1 sacristy
2 pulpitum
3 regula
4 postulant
5 aspersory
34 desk or stand from which church lessons are read 1 lectern
2 classis
3 lection
4 panegyricon
5 mozzetta
35 highest degree of veneration, assigned to God over saints 1 aureole
2 eschaton
3 aspergillum
4 eirenics
5 latria
36 carved tablet kissed by priest during celebration of mass 1 parclose
2 galilee
3 osculatory
4 baptistery
5 advowson
37 answer of pope or emperor to any legal question; edict or decree 1 rochet
2 hegumene
3 vestry
4 psalmodist
5 rescript
38 square cloth case to carry the corporal during Communion service 1 cathedra
2 ostensory
3 cellarer
4 festilogy
5 burse
39 a nun 1 absconce
2 ultramontane
3 monial
4 tympanum
5 credence
40 petty or shallow theologian 1 theologaster
2 piscina
3 calotte
4 frontal
5 ridel
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 yellow or black sackcloth garment worn by heretics prior to execution 1 kerygmatic
2 sanbenito
3 chasuble
4 antipedobaptism
5 kenosis
42 without extreme unction 1 reredos
2 unaneled
3 ultramontane
4 dalmatic
5 messianism
43 gallery or arcade over an aisle; gallery over nave and choir 1 festilogy
2 pyx
3 beadsman
4 classis
5 triforium
44 preaching of the Christian gospel 1 kerygma
2 pall
3 anamnesis
4 exarch
5 affusion
45 miraculous changing of bread and wine into body and blood of Christ 1 rogation
2 prebendal
3 transubstantiation
4 sacramentarianism
5 nipter
46 religious petition for mercy 1 anele
2 kyrie
3 festilogy
4 datary
5 vesturer
47 ecclesiastical garment worn over the shoulders 1 cruet
2 lavabo
3 superhumeral
4 obit
5 epiclesis
48 basin set in wall of church to drain away ceremonial water 1 monophysitism
2 curate
3 eremite
4 piscina
5 solifidianism
49 religious office for a dead person 1 scholasticate
2 obit
3 unaneled
4 hymnal
5 martyrolatry
50 altar boy who bears censer 1 thurifer
2 deiparous
3 tunicle
4 beadsman
5 invination
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 head of a monastery or convent 1 nuncio
2 soteriology
3 lappet
4 litany
5 archimandrite
52 hooded cloak worn by monks 1 fenestella
2 monophysitism
3 oblate
4 homolegomena
5 bardocucullus
53 payment to priest for mass; offerings at altar 1 altarage
2 retrochoir
3 mystagogical
4 autocephality
5 sepulchre
54 cloth hanging over front of altar 1 frontal
2 responsory
3 martyrology
4 sticheron
5 orison
55 rule of a religious order 1 festilogy
2 cantorial
3 lectern
4 corporal
5 regula
56 a small box or shrine used to hold relics 1 oratory
2 reliquary
3 aggiornamento
4 curia
5 staurolatry
57 recess for church vessels; cupboard or niche 1 florilegium
2 incardination
3 ambry
4 sepulchre
5 adytum
58 devotion to church rules over religious precepts 1 churchism
2 rochet
3 confirmand
4 capuchin
5 bethel
59 relating to stipends issued by a church 1 unaneled
2 quaestionary
3 tympanum
4 prebendal
5 ridel
60 bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and having the right of succession 1 camerlengo
2 decanal
3 sedilia
4 coadjutor
5 sinecure
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 ornamental choir-screen 1 eparchy
2 introit
3 undercroft
4 jube
5 concelebrate
62 round window, especially over main door in church 1 wimple
2 psilanthropism
3 invination
4 oculus
5 requiem
63 psalm or hymn sung at beginning of church service 1 nave
2 introit
3 antependium
4 liturgician
5 invitatory
64 chalice used in communion whose cover is a second chalice 1 feretory
2 vestry
3 martyrium
4 hanap
5 catabaptism
65 kneeling cushion in a church 1 stylite
2 lectrice
3 retable
4 adoptionism
5 hassock
66 Roman Catholic church given special privileges 1 missal
2 basilica
3 theophany
4 eparchy
5 transubstantiation
67 theological or musical book carried in the hand for reference 1 enchiridion
2 marrano
3 ambulatory
4 chancery
5 gradual
68 act of singing psalms in church services 1 eirenics
2 psalmody
3 advowson
4 orphrey
5 classis
69 a solemn assembly or council; a church tribunal 1 aspersory
2 parclose
3 nipter
4 consistory
5 Mariology
70 vessel used in religious ceremonies, especially to hold the Eucharist 1 pericope
2 tropology
3 cruet
4 situla
5 tonsure
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 belief in baptism with total immersion in water 1 pieta
2 holobaptism
3 Mariology
4 messianism
5 paraclete
72 parish church serving as a cathedral 1 procathedral
2 cathisma
3 crosier
4 stole
5 superhumeral
73 diocese of an Eastern church 1 introit
2 eparchy
3 recusant
4 missal
5 enchiridion
74 leader of the singing of a church choir 1 soteriology
2 pseudepigrapha
3 orant
4 precentor
5 fleche
75 lantern used in monasteries and night offices 1 triduum
2 absconce
3 labarum
4 antipedobaptism
5 precentor
76 assistant to a parish priest 1 narthex
2 curate
3 purificator
4 paten
5 crosier
77 one undergoing instruction prior to conversion to Christianity 1 dossal
2 capuchin
3 catechumen
4 pax
5 modalism
78 period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts 1 triduum
2 modalism
3 accensor
4 postlude
5 oblate
79 three-tiered crown worn by or carried in front of the pope 1 postlude
2 tiara
3 postulant
4 sinecure
5 cathedra
80 belief that Christ is everywhere 1 antependium
2 pallium
3 tonsure
4 collegialism
5 ubiquitarianism
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 prayer for the dead 1 prebendal
2 enchiridion
3 compline
4 introit
5 requiescat
82 receptacle in an altar for holding religious relics 1 modalism
2 cilice
3 sepulchre
4 messianism
5 chaplet
83 first attendance of a couple at church after marriage 1 kirking
2 apocrisiary
3 curia
4 rochet
5 sacramentarianism
84 cross or crucifix at entrance to church chancel 1 christophany
2 rood
3 anamnesis
4 proseuche
5 prelate
85 long white robe worn by priests 1 cenobite
2 thurible
3 alb
4 marrano
5 ditheletism
86 ecclesiastical ceremony of washing the feet 1 bullary
2 pentateuch
3 curate
4 unalist
5 nipter
87 process of returning a clergyman to lay status 1 piscina
2 hanap
3 laicisation
4 prime
5 concordat
88 vestibule in front of a temple 1 theody
2 wimple
3 kerygmatic
4 rochet
5 pronaos
89 belief that Christ was primarily divine but in human form 1 epistoler
2 psalmodist
3 sinecure
4 oblate
5 monophysitism
90 white cloth on which Communion bread and wine are placed 1 eremite
2 sedilia
3 enchiridion
4 corporal
5 obit
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 priest's cassock 1 chancel
2 miter
3 laicisation
4 soutane
5 oratory
92 gold or other rich embroidery on clerical robes 1 pall
2 quaestionary
3 orphrey
4 adytum
5 ridel
93 cloth used to wipe Eucharist chalice 1 purificator
2 recusant
3 frankalmoign
4 deiparous
5 canticle
94 high headdress worn by bishop or archbishop 1 circumincession
2 miter
3 monial
4 novena
5 parclose
95 belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God 1 parvis
2 adoptionism
3 sacerdotalism
4 orphrey
5 lectrice
96 church usher and attendant 1 absconce
2 pernoctate
3 verger
4 comprecation
5 zeta
97 keeper of monastic records 1 cartulary
2 tunicle
3 adiaphoron
4 requiem
5 internuncio
98 prayer service held in early evening 1 confirmand
2 pulpitum
3 ampulla
4 lavra
5 vespers
99 raised ornament on top of upright end of seats in churches 1 pieta
2 ostensory
3 bethel
4 synod
5 poppyhead
100 railing in church enclosing altar, chapel or tomb 1 canticle
2 lavatory
3 parclose
4 encyclical
5 autotheism
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