Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | to beat out impurities from flax or wool |
1 ozostomia 2 bombazine 3 scutch 4 vadose 5 serpette | |
2 | small passenger vehicle |
1 proairesis 2 sable 3 jitney 4 sublative 5 mycetism | |
3 | hospital for lepers |
1 jesuitical 2 zel 3 ectypography 4 pharyngoscope 5 leprosarium | |
4 | widowhood |
1 drugget 2 vicinal 3 platitudinarian 4 viduity 5 polemology | |
5 | miner's basket, trolley or wagon |
1 corf 2 damnification 3 lexigraphy 4 organoleptic 5 suidian | |
6 | fear of falling from a high place |
1 anlace 2 zelatriks 3 canoness 4 witling 5 bathophobia | |
7 | small vessel with oars and sails |
1 gigot 2 steatogenous 3 plethysmograph 4 trellis 5 pinnace | |
8 | instrument for measuring stress in a structure |
1 monoxylon 2 torpillage 3 taseometer 4 hereticate 5 argol | |
9 | of or pertaining to the will |
1 pannikin 2 volitive 3 insufflate 4 exterritority 5 taphrogenesis | |
10 | decayed; fetid |
1 iamatology 2 putid 3 vallecula 4 peltry 5 perlocution | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | joint; joining surface |
1 eonism 2 psychotheism 3 commissure 4 sternway 5 regorge | |
12 | government by the best |
1 bastinade 2 aristarchy 3 ablactation 4 adnomination 5 collectic | |
13 | word of few syllables |
1 dulcifluous 2 oligosyllable 3 torrefy 4 symbolaeography 5 taurean | |
14 | wicker or wire basket of earth or rock |
1 zygosis 2 decrement 3 syllabub 4 gabion 5 retromingent | |
15 | combining different modes of nutrition |
1 ingression 2 quipu 3 mixotrophic 4 chelonian 5 colubrine | |
16 | light four-wheeled carriage with two seats |
1 passement 2 eumoiriety 3 scansorial 4 surrey 5 r‚clame | |
17 | mace-bearing official of an institution |
1 chevelure 2 beadle 3 perfectionism 4 balneology 5 contranatant | |
18 | study of forms and the development of structures |
1 quince 2 russel 3 fabulist 4 morphology 5 variorum | |
19 | of or pertaining to the civet |
1 cinerarium 2 hippic 3 viverrine 4 conferva 5 pseudoautochiria | |
20 | strengthening drug or tonic |
1 supra 2 quadrennial 3 roborant 4 vesturer 5 lachrymogenic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | supplement to a will |
1 damask 2 codicil 3 multivious 4 capistrate 5 ziggurat | |
22 | variegated; of various colours |
1 plastron 2 dionym 3 pensum 4 pied 5 epigeal | |
23 | windproof jacket |
1 brindled 2 jink 3 octastich 4 windcheater 5 misprision | |
24 | patchwork composition; collection of short quotations |
1 cento 2 biotaxy 3 abampere 4 scriniary 5 stilp | |
25 | bearing chyme |
1 decurrent 2 isocracy 3 oblate 4 resile 5 chymiferous | |
26 | to surround with a rampart or fortification |
1 faience 2 circumvallate 3 sociobiology 4 cecity 5 meuse | |
27 | intervening; situated between two things |
1 reboant 2 nainsook 3 interjacent 4 cholic 5 sellate | |
28 | writing or contract signed by both or all parties |
1 syngraph 2 spiloma 3 vitrescent 4 d‚marche 5 whichsoever | |
29 | vile misrepresentation |
1 alation 2 calumny 3 hylogenesis 4 vesicate 5 selcouth | |
30 | worship of archaic things or old customs |
1 archaeolatry 2 diseuse 3 spinnaker 4 spokeshave 5 octarius | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | system of symbols; alphabet |
1 eyot 2 signary 3 pseudoautochiria 4 pannier 5 akeratophorous | |
32 | revealing of part of a painting beneath a newer one |
1 pentimento 2 vallum 3 ferule 4 odeum 5 spectrofluorimeter | |
33 | appropriately named |
1 unigenous 2 strabismus 3 putlock 4 tunicate 5 euonymous | |
34 | smelly armpits |
1 pentad 2 desinent 3 telic 4 chad 5 tragomaschalia | |
35 | feeding on or living in limestone |
1 brunneous 2 piggin 3 agersia 4 ganister 5 calcivorous | |
36 | a tendency toward blindness |
1 totitive 2 mnemon 3 cecutiency 4 metaphony 5 exarate | |
37 | causing sweat |
1 peripetia 2 sudorific 3 punctilio 4 colostrum 5 rosmarine | |
38 | to kill by exposure to cold |
1 organonomy 2 paraesthesia 3 winterkill 4 xerophagy 5 diallelus | |
39 | part of ship connecting the keel with the bottom of the rudderpost |
1 mutative 2 haulm 3 caprifoliaceous 4 skeg 5 riem | |
40 | steel link with clip on side used in mountaineering |
1 dilettante 2 tauricide 3 legatine 4 karabiner 5 dragoman | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | fear of work |
1 ergophobia 2 tuberous 3 hemistich 4 servilism 5 randem | |
42 | Italian bagpipe |
1 dynamogenesis 2 bifid 3 zampogna 4 timbal 5 solus | |
43 | study of biological measurement |
1 biometrics 2 pundigrion 3 tabaret 4 orleans 5 galactophagist | |
44 | one who is naively optimistic |
1 lamina 2 pollyanna 3 meristic 4 fulgour 5 anurous | |
45 | after the great Flood |
1 postdiluvian 2 trave 3 paean 4 xenophilia 5 fleam | |
46 | happiness or well-being |
1 eudaemony 2 pinnate 3 epicede 4 stylometer 5 probosciform | |
47 | inclination towards violence; hawkishness |
1 vulsella 2 tovarish 3 ergasiophobia 4 bellecism 5 vaticide | |
48 | in rows |
1 seriate 2 praxis 3 killas 4 ornithon 5 despoliation | |
49 | past; near |
1 philopornist 2 forby 3 sulphureous 4 urbanology 5 seraphic | |
50 | spotted; patchy |
1 evanition 2 hypertrichologist 3 macular 4 oose 5 nutrice | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | in multiple separate locations |
1 batraquomancy 2 ablegate 3 polynesic 4 hippomancy 5 iatrochemistry | |
52 | belief that one is a god |
1 necrophobia 2 theomania 3 kinetoscope 4 hypercatalectic 5 cerements | |
53 | record or register |
1 pendicle 2 fasti 3 nuciferous 4 vesta 5 terete | |
54 | to carry property away wrongfully |
1 pseudolatry 2 kirtle 3 gyrostatics 4 orthognathism 5 asportation | |
55 | fringed; having a narrow border |
1 fimbriate 2 purlicue 3 wapentake 4 peripatetic 5 isochroous | |
56 | to disembowel |
1 exenterate 2 dilogy 3 disculpate 4 revirescent 5 electroretinograph | |
57 | crooked stick used by butchers for hanging carcasses |
1 pule 2 appropinquity 3 gambrel 4 conglobe 5 adamantine | |
58 | having one brood a year |
1 peatary 2 wainscot 3 voile 4 univoltine 5 synanthy | |
59 | study of women's physiology |
1 loricate 2 disomus 3 pityroid 4 similitive 5 gynaecology | |
60 | with grooves or furrows |
1 sulcate 2 eccoprotic 3 bower 4 quilling 5 osteology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | the unknowableness of all things to a certainty |
1 esemplasy 2 pyromachy 3 acatalepsy 4 upher 5 estrapade | |
62 | one who loves his own opinions; dogmatic person |
1 mackinaw 2 philodox 3 inguinal 4 crinoline 5 meromorphic | |
63 | shaped like ivy |
1 hederiform 2 proairesis 3 nidifugous 4 henotic 5 chaplet | |
64 | the state of being bread |
1 symbolaeography 2 paneity 3 spectrometer 4 ovibovine 5 lief | |
65 | to root or grub with the snout |
1 palaeolimnology 2 emarcid 3 vermifugal 4 grout 5 monogony | |
66 | in two rows or columns |
1 stereotomy 2 legerity 3 biserial 4 plantigrade 5 dulcian | |
67 | one who opposes marriage |
1 toxiphobia 2 cteniform 3 kemb 4 agamist 5 mattoid | |
68 | relating to cranes or similar birds |
1 glozing 2 ignify 3 sericterium 4 gruine 5 vegete | |
69 | preliminary sketch |
1 embrangle 2 perorate 3 abbozzo 4 giganticide 5 planchette | |
70 | botanist's collecting case |
1 titaniferous 2 mehari 3 diestrus 4 bibitory 5 vasculum | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | bearing a whip or flagellum |
1 woodwose 2 flagelliferous 3 cryoscope 4 pelisse 5 heterogenesis | |
72 | twin; twinned; growing in pairs |
1 didymous 2 trigonometer 3 camlet 4 pyrophanous 5 cultus | |
73 | unusually bright spot on sun's surface |
1 lacertilian 2 compaginate 3 mullock 4 facula 5 diallage | |
74 | to acknowledge or confess |
1 agnize 2 viduous 3 stellify 4 xylorimba 5 pseudogyny | |
75 | shedding or moulting of the skin |
1 nutrice 2 diastema 3 ecydisis 4 sippet 5 taxeme | |
76 | gold and green bird with long tail feathers |
1 alethiology 2 estoppage 3 avulse 4 lancinate 5 quetzal | |
77 | pertaining to fishing |
1 imbrute 2 fungiform 3 alethiology 4 menisciform 5 halieutic | |
78 | wasting away of the body; emaciation due to malnutrition |
1 marasmus 2 effleurage 3 stythe 4 wigan 5 stibial | |
79 | eating bees |
1 bruit 2 indoles 3 diagenesis 4 apivorous 5 potentiate | |
80 | government by seven people |
1 clinophobia 2 selenolatry 3 aduncate 4 heptarchy 5 dilatory | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | white woollen band symbolising archbishop's authority |
1 cyllosis 2 tempera 3 scutage 4 bowery 5 pallium | |
82 | building having columns only in the front |
1 spiflicate 2 prostyle 3 poroscope 4 subarrhation 5 tranchet | |
83 | loving or admiring horses |
1 secque 2 philhippic 3 eucrasy 4 microanatomy 5 martyrolatry | |
84 | ruler of the world |
1 obtend 2 cosmocrat 3 molluscicide 4 concelebrate 5 acariasis | |
85 | divination by sacrificing a rooster |
1 chancery 2 ombrometer 3 creancer 4 mullock 5 alectormancy | |
86 | organisms living in soil |
1 wincey 2 whippet 3 formic 4 idolum 5 edapha | |
87 | craze for stamp collecting |
1 slug 2 xylopyrography 3 timbromania 4 cacoethes 5 aggrade | |
88 | of or relating to musk-oxen |
1 taphrogenesis 2 ageotropic 3 ovibovine 4 toison 5 cosmism | |
89 | speaking with clenched teeth |
1 dentiloquy 2 circumfuse 3 calicular 4 podagra 5 anonym | |
90 | pertaining to drupes or stone-fruits |
1 cubiform 2 drupaceous 3 brougham 4 ballistocardiograph 5 monopsychism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | unit of pressure of one million dynes per square centimeter |
1 bar 2 woodshedding 3 psephology 4 smectic 5 brattice | |
92 | according to |
1 omphaloskepsis 2 secundum 3 planetology 4 vulturine 5 parapraxis | |
93 | leisurely stroll; march of bullfighters into arena |
1 laicism 2 paseo 3 whiskerando 4 responsory 5 zymite | |
94 | knottiness; a knotty swelling |
1 escharotic 2 procathedral 3 nodosity 4 setiform 5 xenial | |
95 | passing or expiring due to lapse or forfeit |
1 caducary 2 atactic 3 mediagenic 4 intellection 5 avinosis | |
96 | ivy-bearing |
1 psoas 2 batophobia 3 mithridatism 4 nervine 5 hederiferous | |
97 | having a mustache-like stripe |
1 remigate 2 mystacial 3 laeotropic 4 nudation 5 cringle | |
98 | drunkenness |
1 alveary 2 anthropobiology 3 methysis 4 dogcart 5 manicate | |
99 | close examiner |
1 ruridecanal 2 outrigger 3 scrutator 4 psychofugal 5 besom | |
100 | bright orange-red |
1 pyrgeometer 2 kinetoscope 3 silenus 4 pabulum 5 nacarat |