Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | mental image; logical fallacy |
1 spirometer 2 myogenic 3 idolum 4 diffarreation 5 psychiasis | |
2 | of or pertaining to earthworms |
1 diphyodont 2 hemistich 3 pyrgoidal 4 lumbricine 5 mythoclast | |
3 | inlaid with gold and ivory |
1 cartiliginous 2 anagnorisis 3 perlaceous 4 ecesis 5 chryselephantine | |
4 | to pass by; to omit; to leave undone |
1 alack 2 pogonology 3 enantiomorph 4 bactericide 5 pretermit | |
5 | left side of a ship |
1 larboard 2 sortation 3 heliofugal 4 alphonsin 5 calvous | |
6 | having secret or hidden power |
1 exspuition 2 dendriform 3 coram 4 medicament 5 cryptodynamic | |
7 | science of fermentation |
1 matinal 2 hydrodynamics 3 transilient 4 zymology 5 pholidosis | |
8 | of or relating to holly |
1 kame 2 secreta 3 furacious 4 ilicic 5 spritsail | |
9 | rutting of frogs and toads |
1 philoprogenitive 2 amplexus 3 digladiate 4 chintz 5 capillaceous | |
10 | one who sells perfume |
1 myropologist 2 puerperal 3 credal 4 agastopia 5 shenango | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | longing or yearning |
1 milliad 2 systatic 3 impavid 4 desiderium 5 lac | |
12 | one who loves novelty and trends |
1 diplograph 2 neophile 3 verbalism 4 spinneret 5 feracious | |
13 | study of gravitation |
1 parastatal 2 skeg 3 barology 4 sedilia 5 roup | |
14 | instrument for measuring heating effect of sun |
1 pyrheliometer 2 pavonian 3 decennoval 4 gyrograph 5 aliquot | |
15 | carrying the penis |
1 tubulure 2 phallephoric 3 onomasticon 4 tinchel 5 furunculoid | |
16 | milky fluid secreted into blood by small intestine |
1 anagnorisis 2 downhaul 3 animadvert 4 viaggiatory 5 chyle | |
17 | having or bearing hardened forewings |
1 uberty 2 elytriferous 3 agrapha 4 complaisant 5 mugient | |
18 | quantity which does not change when squared |
1 hygrometer 2 biotope 3 unleal 4 idempotent 5 astrogony | |
19 | to full cloth |
1 prandial 2 gastriloquist 3 coralligenous 4 waulk 5 fungous | |
20 | omission of a sound or syllable in a word |
1 polychotomy 2 truttaceous 3 haplology 4 huitain 5 lithology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | old German title of nobility |
1 anaclitic 2 lactescent 3 fossulate 4 od 5 waldgrave | |
22 | craze for books or reading |
1 bibliomania 2 patination 3 diamantiferous 4 kemp 5 predella | |
23 | disease of animals which can be transmitted to humans |
1 zoonosis 2 amyloid 3 spetch 4 microsomatous 5 souterrain | |
24 | rapidly alternating a tone with one half-tone lower; reverse trill |
1 collectanea 2 ossifrage 3 mordent 4 biotope 5 swingometer | |
25 | of or pertaining to birds |
1 backstay 2 amyous 3 avicular 4 gyle 5 dipsosis | |
26 | sharp; needle-like peak of rock |
1 compossible 2 caesura 3 psychorrhagy 4 aiguille 5 talliate | |
27 | ability to fly |
1 quiff 2 pteridology 3 myasthenia 4 zoilism 5 volation | |
28 | addition; supplement |
1 plication 2 respondentia 3 debouchure 4 narial 5 suppletion | |
29 | to entice; to wheedle |
1 striated 2 amphibolic 3 jeton 4 inveigle 5 gaumless | |
30 | nut-bearing |
1 oppidan 2 nuciferous 3 salariat 4 horology 5 opisometer | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | pathological belief that one is a dog |
1 succursal 2 presbycousis 3 hidrotic 4 macular 5 cynanthropy | |
32 | identification of oneself with God |
1 egotheism 2 revirescent 3 pule 4 coadjument 5 inessive | |
33 | long; thin cigar |
1 gavelkind 2 slipway 3 acerous 4 ochlesis 5 panatella | |
34 | harelip |
1 lollop 2 conchology 3 nuciferous 4 lagostoma 5 imputation | |
35 | powerful in one direction only |
1 kraurosis 2 vagitus 3 collimation 4 unipotent 5 exgorgitation | |
36 | ground-ice; ice in small spikes in streams |
1 paratonic 2 helcoid 3 balefire 4 frazil 5 phyllophagous | |
37 | study of leprosy |
1 ooidal 2 hourd 3 bibliopegist 4 leprology 5 bullock | |
38 | high-flown and affected style of writing |
1 musal 2 expiscate 3 euphuism 4 heterotaxis 5 harn | |
39 | substance causing flatulence |
1 graphology 2 spoliative 3 sensile 4 physagogue 5 suberous | |
40 | cloth worn on priest's arm and used for handling holy vessels |
1 decalescence 2 fanion 3 wheal 4 peripetia 5 eversion | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | chaotic; haphazard |
1 oligarchy 2 tumultuary 3 spintherism 4 montgolfier 5 viperiform | |
42 | having small leaves |
1 caecity 2 strabometer 3 gorget 4 microphyllous 5 limes | |
43 | to endure over a period of time |
1 autothaumaturgist 2 animastic 3 devall 4 perdure 5 oblivescence | |
44 | different |
1 postcibal 2 allogeneous 3 monotheletism 4 contline 5 tulchan | |
45 | south of the Alps; supporting the Pope |
1 mammiform 2 quitclaim 3 cartophily 4 pugil 5 ultramontane | |
46 | tapestry covering a wall |
1 arras 2 circumaviate 3 wilder 4 rebus 5 nubiferous | |
47 | weakness of mental facilities |
1 hypophrenia 2 synoeciosis 3 rubicund 4 zoophyte 5 diluvial | |
48 | study of heresies |
1 metastrophe 2 hemitery 3 poliosis 4 protervity 5 heresiology | |
49 | semi-fluid; sticky; glutinous; viscous |
1 vestry 2 culm 3 viscid 4 gullery 5 wasm | |
50 | repository; reference book of facts |
1 dioptometer 2 pneumatics 3 snift 4 orleans 5 promptuary | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | cutting; division; splitting |
1 scission 2 hyperemesis 3 pancyclopaedic 4 belling 5 alomancy | |
52 | between the ribs |
1 aubergine 2 trahison 3 mazer 4 emesis 5 intercostal | |
53 | fear of empty spaces |
1 kenophobia 2 parbuckle 3 placet 4 suint 5 speciocide | |
54 | dark greenish-yellow |
1 isopolity 2 nundinal 3 popple 4 citrine 5 parasiticide | |
55 | pigs' feet as food |
1 opsiometer 2 skeletogenous 3 cannelure 4 pettitoes 5 tisane | |
56 | pertaining to new growth |
1 neoblastic 2 cibophobia 3 malaxate 4 opprobrium 5 pleochroic | |
57 | boughs of a tree |
1 ramage 2 myriacanthous 3 primage 4 zephyr 5 hetaerocracy | |
58 | science of humidity |
1 oculate 2 hygrometry 3 abducent 4 macromancy 5 zapata | |
59 | gold-coloured alloy; brass |
1 orichalc 2 recrement 3 contrariant 4 pretermit 5 wiseacre | |
60 | region of uniform environment and types of organisms |
1 hospitate 2 ounce 3 ordinal 4 biotope 5 entozoology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | precinct; enclosing wall of a precinct |
1 peribolos 2 guttiform 3 volar 4 downhaul 5 benefactive | |
62 | spurious; bastard |
1 probang 2 ichthyophagous 3 nothous 4 metapsychology 5 thuriferous | |
63 | pertaining or relating to glow-worms or fireflies |
1 dexiotropic 2 patible 3 cepaceous 4 hoplomachy 5 lampyridine | |
64 | insect divested of its wings |
1 dealate 2 pandation 3 habiliment 4 pnematomachy 5 illusionism | |
65 | in whatsoever respect or place |
1 sanbenito 2 vulsella 3 xerotic 4 whereinsoever 5 ombrometer | |
66 | involving or based on six; having a numerical base of six |
1 subduple 2 carbuncle 3 tornote 4 gummosity 5 senary | |
67 | beyond the mountains; foreign; uncivilized |
1 carbasus 2 tramontane 3 toxicomania 4 xenogenous 5 crystalomancy | |
68 | study of the planet Jupiter |
1 badigeon 2 xerophytic 3 dolichocephalic 4 transmigrationism 5 zenography | |
69 | organization of clauses without connectives |
1 vermivorous 2 advert 3 affranchise 4 phlegmatic 5 parataxis | |
70 | state of being different |
1 aichmophobia 2 baragnosis 3 echinate 4 electrocardiograph 5 alterity | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | line connecting points of same atmospheric pressure |
1 anaclitic 2 exequy 3 inexpiable 4 louche 5 isobar | |
72 | having messages passing both ways simultaneously |
1 contraplex 2 beele 3 sophomoric 4 atmatertera 5 procoelous | |
73 | branching; branched |
1 cladose 2 tod 3 intenerate 4 anomic 5 nidulation | |
74 | study of alloying and treating metals |
1 passacaglia 2 raduliform 3 metallurgy 4 misosophy 5 galactic | |
75 | relating to instinctive love for offspring |
1 syntexis 2 sillograph 3 philoprogenitive 4 isoglossal 5 pyrometer | |
76 | awning over an auditorium |
1 apocrisiary 2 enchiridion 3 velarium 4 philocaly 5 hyperemesis | |
77 | wandering alone |
1 toxicomania 2 oryctomancy 3 regrate 4 solivagant 5 collogue | |
78 | divination using cheese |
1 tyromancy 2 sauterelle 3 ephelis 4 ischuria 5 empanoply | |
79 | box for keeping bows and arrows dry |
1 isochronous 2 ascham 3 bicapitate 4 colophon 5 tomium | |
80 | instrument for viewing objects using X-rays |
1 radioscope 2 thrum 3 frondiferous 4 calamus 5 adamantine | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | in heraldry, two figures placed side by side |
1 accosted 2 tuberous 3 ichthyology 4 caricous 5 zoogenic | |
82 | text written entirely in its author's handwriting |
1 nigrescence 2 circumvolution 3 balbriggan 4 epopt 5 holograph | |
83 | visual |
1 coenaesthesis 2 scopic 3 choreomania 4 hyaloid 5 alcahest | |
84 | of or relating to mosses; moss-like |
1 symbolaeography 2 muscoid 3 acroterion 4 ordo 5 cartouche | |
85 | one found guilty of contempt of court |
1 contemnor 2 neurobiology 3 langley 4 astrut 5 confabulate | |
86 | superabundant production or accumulation |
1 kantele 2 chrism 3 pseudacusis 4 superfetation 5 loimic | |
87 | rump bone of cattle; rump cut of beef |
1 sciophilous 2 kop 3 aitchbone 4 toxicomania 5 chrysopoetics | |
88 | like a bird of prey; rapacious |
1 anserine 2 collectic 3 seine 4 accipitral 5 exophagy | |
89 | relating to the sense of touch |
1 merdivorous 2 solonist 3 kerf 4 monochord 5 haptic | |
90 | causing movement |
1 syndicalism 2 canterbury 3 saxicavous 4 kinetogenic 5 traject | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | to soil by dragging along the wet ground |
1 pannier 2 synchroscope 3 xiphophyllous 4 bedaggle 5 terreplein | |
92 | heraldic designation for orange-brown colour |
1 quadrimium 2 tampion 3 taseometer 4 mugient 5 tenne | |
93 | rung of a ladder |
1 fillister 2 anicular 3 rundle 4 theogamy 5 dextroduction | |
94 | pompous-sounding |
1 grandisonant 2 candent 3 isocephaly 4 motte 5 hyoid | |
95 | opposition to the worship of images or icons |
1 coracoid 2 iconomachy 3 inly 4 lancinate 5 hypernym | |
96 | having limbs like a seal's flippers |
1 incatenation 2 semestral 3 phocomelia 4 advocaat 5 interfenestration | |
97 | fisherman |
1 xanthippe 2 spectroheliokinematograph 3 tracasserie 4 piscicapturist 5 eirenism | |
98 | an extreme delicacy and softness |
1 mactation 2 incivism 3 uneath 4 formicate 5 morbidezza | |
99 | cottony |
1 atmatertera 2 strahl 3 oriel 4 hedonics 5 gossypine | |
100 | sea breeze |
1 premotion 2 poecilonym 3 azoth 4 virason 5 sebaceous |