Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | immediately preceding death throes |
1 sopite 2 systematology 3 preagonal 4 reglet 5 antilogy | |
2 | diminution or reduction of a disease |
1 commis 2 zoocytium 3 organity 4 xanthareel 5 decrudescence | |
3 | of or pertaining to obituaries |
1 outmantle 2 perdricide 3 notitia 4 obitual 5 piteous | |
4 | dislocation of an anatomical part |
1 diamant‚ 2 luxation 3 infrangible 4 dactylomancy 5 odograph | |
5 | instrument for recording distance travelled in miles |
1 woolfell 2 seron 3 velutinous 4 mileometer 5 astragal | |
6 | wasp-like |
1 sensitometer 2 vespoid 3 agathodaimon 4 comminute 5 ordonnance | |
7 | state of being impassable or impermeable |
1 wheelhouse 2 pedicle 3 tother 4 irrefragable 5 immeability | |
8 | shoulder belt for carrying ammunition |
1 padella 2 cyclograph 3 syndicalism 4 bandolier 5 pseudaesthesia | |
9 | discussion prior to negotiation |
1 syngamy 2 phaeic 3 patina 4 pourparler 5 furnicular | |
10 | descended from two distinct ancestral groups |
1 diphyletic 2 manducate 3 moschate 4 empressment 5 kyphorrhinos | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | upright column in middle of circular staircase; post at end of stairs |
1 newel 2 capnomancy 3 retrenchment 4 debouchure 5 melanochroic | |
12 | immediate repetition of a word for emphasis |
1 pathomania 2 pica 3 epizeuxis 4 angiology 5 oneirology | |
13 | prediction or prophecy |
1 bodement 2 antiscian 3 colluvies 4 blattnerphone 5 fistula | |
14 | digression |
1 ramuliferous 2 quadrille 3 ecbole 4 synergism 5 nidificate | |
15 | to befool; to besot |
1 abacinate 2 somniloquence 3 whodunitry 4 assot 5 bromidrosis | |
16 | S-shaped |
1 sinecure 2 chryselephantine 3 platypodia 4 ostium 5 sigmoid | |
17 | bridge carrying a road or railway |
1 absorptiometer 2 georgic 3 wearish 4 lactiferous 5 underbridge | |
18 | hoarding of small or insignificant things |
1 hylozoism 2 tick 3 forficulate 4 pismirism 5 ochlocracy | |
19 | study of deserts |
1 metopic 2 eremology 3 melopoeia 4 kinchin 5 stelliferous | |
20 | pertaining to or causing laughter |
1 rimose 2 risorial 3 troika 4 isomagnetic 5 caudal | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | to flow in again |
1 charterhouse 2 trochlear 3 illocution 4 berlin 5 reinfund | |
22 | limited; narrow-minded |
1 adiaphoron 2 threnody 3 allotropy 4 mazut 5 born‚ | |
23 | covered with soft white hair |
1 hydrognosy 2 windrow 3 incanous 4 petulcous 5 jejunator | |
24 | artificially induced sweat |
1 palpebral 2 mazer 3 diaphoresis 4 affreux 5 outhaul | |
25 | shining bronze colour |
1 recaption 2 quoit 3 patelliform 4 aeneous 5 germicide | |
26 | silent letter |
1 astrophile 2 gibbous 3 aphthong 4 zoilism 5 telarian | |
27 | hatred of novelty |
1 decantate 2 thermonous 3 capriform 4 misoneism 5 essorant | |
28 | lace; lacework |
1 reptant 2 tesseratomy 3 convicinity 4 dentelle 5 dashpot | |
29 | a pair of scissors or pincers |
1 chersonese 2 impest 3 forfex 4 wankle 5 procumbent | |
30 | study of wood |
1 martello 2 xylology 3 terce 4 mactation 5 pipkin | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | lens-shaped |
1 somniate 2 paronym 3 quint 4 phacoid 5 masticate | |
32 | to fine; to deprive; to punish |
1 tog 2 epopee 3 seminivorous 4 shenango 5 amerce | |
33 | something which is greatly desired |
1 cambist 2 timeous 3 spancel 4 muniment 5 desideratum | |
34 | instrument for measuring the length of a curved line |
1 telenergy 2 remora 3 disafforest 4 stadiometer 5 inappetent | |
35 | bearing or bringing light |
1 luminiferous 2 polylith 3 omniparity 4 polypod 5 aphrasia | |
36 | miscellaneous notes; commonplace books |
1 baize 2 arboricolous 3 adversaria 4 tumbrel 5 alcahest | |
37 | case in which a ship's compass is kept |
1 hypergamy 2 witwanton 3 obdormition 4 binnacle 5 acroamatic | |
38 | rough and temporary fortification |
1 extramundane 2 bottomry 3 brachydactylous 4 redoubt 5 moslings | |
39 | like or having the properties of a reed |
1 Momus 2 wrack 3 arundinaceous 4 souterrain 5 canicular | |
40 | coat of arms of a deceased person |
1 one-step 2 hatchment 3 lumbricine 4 testudinal 5 flibbertigibbet | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | like or relating to forceps |
1 vicenary 2 brachyology 3 tuberous 4 jabberwock 5 forcipate | |
42 | absence or lack of thirst |
1 calcar 2 ergophobia 3 signary 4 biometrics 5 adipsia | |
43 | gritty |
1 tophaceous 2 consenescence 3 capstan 4 inviscate 5 potichomania | |
44 | underneath fingernail or toenail |
1 hyponychial 2 suggilate 3 reflux 4 dextrogyratory 5 eutaxy | |
45 | sodium bicarbonate |
1 natron 2 parget 3 stoichiology 4 palaceous 5 sightworthy | |
46 | oceanic; inhabiting or carried out in the deep sea |
1 pelagic 2 sial 3 diplomatics 4 masseter 5 dextrogyratory | |
47 | relating to measuring by weight |
1 phytivorous 2 gravimetrical 3 thereon 4 tempore 5 joggle | |
48 | bombproof chamber or armored compartment |
1 lovat 2 specie 3 mandorla 4 latescent 5 casemate | |
49 | belief in mutual dependence of society and the individual |
1 hortulan 2 illaudable 3 fecalith 4 zinkiferous 5 mutualism | |
50 | boldness; audacity |
1 vis-a-vis 2 comose 3 digitiform 4 hardihood 5 statics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | looping hanging down bit of fabric over a window or door |
1 swag 2 acerbate 3 kainotophobia 4 reflet 5 translunary | |
52 | dance where participants hop energetically on each foot in turn |
1 tegulated 2 shag 3 r‚clame 4 undecennial 5 trouvaille | |
53 | syntax having regard to meaning rather than form |
1 synesis 2 kinkle 3 jorum 4 urinometer 5 drabble | |
54 | reduction in shininess of marble |
1 acarophobia 2 caprifoliaceous 3 scriptory 4 ganosis 5 tenon | |
55 | producing female sex hormones |
1 presbyophrenia 2 lethiferous 3 davenport 4 oestrogenic 5 herpetiform | |
56 | transmission of computerized data over long distances |
1 onychocryptosis 2 plenary 3 jambeau 4 rhombos 5 telematics | |
57 | miscellany |
1 varia 2 stulm 3 comose 4 whipcat 5 recrudescence | |
58 | state of being both deaf and dumb |
1 scaphoid 2 abusion 3 didymous 4 arrect 5 surdimutism | |
59 | machine for regulating humidity of air |
1 omniparity 2 hygrostat 3 speciocide 4 asteism 5 figuline | |
60 | provision of security |
1 hircosity 2 satisdation 3 neoteric 4 ramellose 5 cruet | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | set of four things |
1 sonorescent 2 sorrel 3 mournival 4 absterge 5 apocarteresis | |
62 | Carribean disco dance |
1 contranatant 2 notaphily 3 zouk 4 haussmannize 5 quadrireme | |
63 | flesh-like |
1 inexpugnable 2 sarcoid 3 flagitious 4 anopisthographic 5 somatotrophic | |
64 | of or like marble |
1 ovigerous 2 marmoreal 3 perficient 4 greave 5 pinniped | |
65 | underground; subterranean |
1 littoral 2 potter 3 catachthonian 4 bluestocking 5 noctivagant | |
66 | pertaining to useful knowledge |
1 thermogenesis 2 putrefaction 3 chrestomathic 4 bourdon 5 sublate | |
67 | sentient; capable of affecting the senses |
1 bibliophobia 2 torpescence 3 sensile 4 chondroid 5 orf | |
68 | creeping like a worm |
1 vermigrade 2 ablutomania 3 vimen 4 quinsy 5 imbroglio | |
69 | lock-opening tool |
1 helotage 2 oustiti 3 photopsia 4 adnoun 5 punctulate | |
70 | causing or promoting absorption |
1 trophotropism 2 agiotage 3 ethnomusicology 4 trilemma 5 absorbefacient | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | worship of one god without excluding belief in others |
1 monolatry 2 agrology 3 strepent 4 hippodamist 5 suaveolent | |
72 | special temporary dispensation granted by the Catholic church |
1 donnism 2 subtend 3 indult 4 lunulate 5 bogan | |
73 | featherlike |
1 arcanna 2 brail 3 heteroecious 4 hederiferous 5 pennaceous | |
74 | to squelch |
1 cinque-pace 2 quelch 3 solive 4 triptych 5 pelisse | |
75 | avowal or solemn declaration |
1 agrize 2 malariology 3 nautics 4 apocope 5 protestation | |
76 | practice of burying people alive |
1 judder 2 lodesman 3 vivisepulture 4 vitrescent 5 natiform | |
77 | pertaining to stimulation by heat |
1 thermonous 2 krypsis 3 sericterium 4 dendrolatry 5 sorbile | |
78 | hard fat |
1 fantod 2 stearin 3 bibliopegist 4 septemfluous 5 dentelle | |
79 | pertaining to poetry or the Muses |
1 opisthograph 2 musal 3 stentor 4 misaunter 5 farrier | |
80 | personal belongings and property |
1 wonderwork 2 personalty 3 hydrognosy 4 kyloe 5 diptych | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | totality of perception; general awareness |
1 dudgeon 2 panaesthesia 3 nutarian 4 ostiole 5 aphagia | |
82 | the study of mosses |
1 muscology 2 pseudosopher 3 armigerous 4 hierocracy 5 oxyacaesthesia | |
83 | reminiscence; prayer recalling death and resurrection of Jesus |
1 probit 2 wardroom 3 anamnesis 4 winterbourne 5 intorted | |
84 | silk organza fabric |
1 alate 2 hymnography 3 triturate 4 keratogenic 5 gazar | |
85 | illegal contract to finance a lawsuit for a percentage fee |
1 comprecation 2 champerty 3 diffident 4 urbanology 5 photogyric | |
86 | one who takes artistic interest in motion pictures |
1 goetic 2 cineast 3 mensal 4 hither 5 anergia | |
87 | belief that Christ is everywhere |
1 ubiquitarianism 2 hodoscope 3 matripotestal 4 universalism 5 stigmatic | |
88 | rhetorical device in which word order is reversed |
1 sundog 2 orarion 3 hyperbaton 4 periscian 5 tachistoscope | |
89 | like a hedgehog; prickly |
1 echinate 2 triage 3 drail 4 pedicel 5 sessile | |
90 | indicating possession, origin or relation |
1 lam‚ 2 sagittary 3 genitive 4 neophrastic 5 fidicinal | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | of or relating to the sole of the foot |
1 arcanna 2 myriorama 3 bonism 4 plantar 5 jambeau | |
92 | trellis-work; a trellis |
1 vincular 2 treillage 3 zoophily 4 carpal 5 meldometer | |
93 | to mix clay with water |
1 statim 2 perequitate 3 triskelion 4 strombuliferous 5 blunge | |
94 | theory that emphasizes that which transcends perception |
1 nepheloid 2 stupefacient 3 kirking 4 transcendentalism 5 spoliate | |
95 | screen enclosing a shrine |
1 sonograph 2 protean 3 transenna 4 algology 5 thrasonic | |
96 | guardian or mentor |
1 creancer 2 bottomry 3 papyrotamia 4 brisure 5 luthier | |
97 | spontaneous barbershop singing |
1 spado 2 quadrille 3 spermatogenesis 4 woodshedding 5 syllepsis | |
98 | play on words in which letters are changed |
1 malariology 2 rath 3 xenobiotic 4 paragram 5 tallage | |
99 | to search by turning over earth or rock |
1 lentor 2 anagnorisis 3 fossick 4 litany 5 lamprophony | |
100 | killing a fetus |
1 lupicide 2 kerseymere 3 foeticide 4 anemometer 5 spondyle |