Quiz 22 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 imaginary feeling or sensation 1 gentilitian
2 quartation
3 pseudaesthesia
4 palillogy
5 ennomic
2 space or distance westward 1 harmonograph
2 trophology
3 iamb
4 ecarlate
5 westing
3 lively medieval dance with five steps 1 variola
2 oblate
3 attuition
4 syndetic
5 cinque-pace
4 having the guardianship of a thing 1 mow
2 monodont
3 docimology
4 tutelary
5 metagnomy
5 anything frothy or insubstantial 1 acequia
2 soricine
3 lea
4 gegenschein
5 syllabub
6 temple; inner cell of a temple 1 martyrolatry
2 naos
3 incarnadine
4 watching
5 velour
7 glow of zodiacal light seen opposite the sun 1 boanerges
2 gegenschein
3 dysphonia
4 wattmeter
5 dramaturgy
8 having the form or shape of a funnel or cone 1 infundibuliform
2 kickshaws
3 sucrier
4 gurgitation
5 pudor
9 division; partition; barrier 1 polytocous
2 skiagraphy
3 septum
4 symptomatology
5 retiary
10 rights held over another's land 1 purpresture
2 nephroid
3 easement
4 chrysophilist
5 catenular
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 striking part of a flail 1 swipple
2 simplism
3 confute
4 epiphonema
5 digitiform
12 explanation of mythology as growing out of history 1 euhemerism
2 fie
3 polyhistor
4 spiniform
5 niaiserie
13 to carry an uncooperative drunkard or prisoner 1 aligerous
2 penates
3 frogmarch
4 spiration
5 sheer
14 study of humidity 1 rheme
2 hygrology
3 iceblink
4 troika
5 agrostology
15 loss of ability to produce articulate speech 1 carceral
2 obstreperous
3 aphemia
4 grimoire
5 heterogenesis
16 line connecting points of equal sunlight 1 stenopaeic
2 kyrielle
3 usufruct
4 isohel
5 merlon
17 simultaneously human and divine 1 unction
2 theanthropic
3 triptych
4 colliquation
5 forsooth
18 resentment; offended resignation 1 gules
2 pulvilliform
3 iamatology
4 tracasserie
5 dudgeon
19 a bundle of brushwood 1 tholus
2 spansule
3 sternutation
4 tetrachotomous
5 bavin
20 supposed; reputed 1 mehari
2 feracious
3 lambent
4 putative
5 muriatic
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 blackmail to prevent exposure of scandalous facts 1 chantage
2 staphyline
3 jurat
4 predevote
5 luminiferous
22 causing (mutual) destruction 1 bolide
2 theodicy
3 monoideism
4 internecine
5 accipiter
23 insect repellent 1 pilcrow
2 quadrennial
3 algicide
4 insectifuge
5 requiem
24 dimple in the cheek that appears when one smiles 1 gelasin
2 ergotise
3 phillumeny
4 eructate
5 sucrier
25 electric shock therapy 1 sigmoid
2 chyliferous
3 torpillage
4 metapolitics
5 hyperaphia
26 limp leather binding in which cover overlaps edges of book 1 nim
2 cacodoxy
3 teratology
4 stupent
5 yapp
27 administrator of justice; supreme judge 1 justiciar
2 barmkin
3 pavid
4 geotaxis
5 typhlophile
28 study of funguses 1 securigerous
2 mycology
3 tenaille
4 jocoserious
5 whipjack
29 cold-blooded 1 transmarine
2 poikilothermic
3 contorniate
4 agonic
5 stonk
30 leave to pass one night away from college 1 harridan
2 brassage
3 absit
4 dactylogram
5 omoplatoscopy
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 great effort, especially in performing natural functions 1 prehensor
2 molimen
3 gurgitation
4 vitrine
5 schizotrichia
32 the science of imaginary solutions 1 pataphysics
2 sadogue
3 penial
4 birl
5 fritiniency
33 double-necked lute 1 criant
2 theorbo
3 digladiate
4 grain
5 abroach
34 study of pollen 1 palynology
2 quadrennial
3 nef
4 fogram
5 kerygmatic
35 angle of elevation in relation to the horizontal 1 bomb‚
2 elution
3 multiparous
4 lagena
5 steeve
36 sense of muscular position 1 proprioception
2 rencounter
3 antigropelos
4 topmast
5 zygon
37 to edit; work into shape; to frame 1 eponym
2 redact
3 threnody
4 flavescent
5 microclimatology
38 spade-shaped 1 holm
2 palaceous
3 hyphaeresis
4 trottoir
5 scientism
39 brush with hooked bits used in napping cloth 1 teasel
2 isostasy
3 bridewell
4 bibliogenesis
5 pyogenic
40 shaped like an oyster 1 xystus
2 victualler
3 ostreiform
4 pulverulent
5 isoseismal
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 barge 1 pampiniform
2 gabbart
3 mutic
4 toman
5 sarcous
42 profitable; useful 1 rhyparography
2 oenology
3 utile
4 pekin
5 acronym
43 shaped like an oval or a vulva 1 vulviform
2 pastiche
3 chaomandy
4 herbose
5 carminative
44 possessing attributes common to different groups 1 pollinigerous
2 pyretic
3 interosculant
4 sisyphean
5 voluble
45 instrument for measuring focus or refraction of the eyes 1 dioptometer
2 pourboire
3 outroop
4 fetial
5 nummiform
46 lying down; reclining 1 cumbent
2 myriacanthous
3 dalton
4 embracery
5 footling
47 to proclaim; to summon publicly 1 preconize
2 uraniscus
3 dedition
4 philomath
5 brontophobia
48 state of being almost dislocated 1 turrical
2 fenestella
3 despoliation
4 chalastic
5 subluxation
49 of or pertaining to fish 1 orrery
2 rackrent
3 mancipation
4 piscine
5 otorhinolaryngology
50 thicket; plantation 1 pluviometer
2 sublineation
3 parousia
4 bosket
5 rondure
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 spousal 1 sponsal
2 trichoclasis
3 retropulsion
4 videtur
5 assoil
52 waste or debris 1 cacaesthesia
2 zaftig
3 detritus
4 eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious
5 lunarist
53 in heaps; piled up 1 gangway
2 blissom
3 multisulcate
4 aggerose
5 volation
54 of or relating to a bull 1 taurean
2 chersonese
3 corrody
4 oenometer
5 encolpion
55 bearing tin 1 stanniferous
2 ligniform
3 metopic
4 ephidrosis
5 orthopraxis
56 circle of men who encircle a deer 1 jack
2 librate
3 tinchel
4 acatamathesia
5 hippocras
57 four-petalled flower; design or ornament with four flowers or leaves 1 quatrefoil
2 furciferous
3 rondeau
4 ethology
5 coelom
58 glass having white veins 1 orthian
2 epergne
3 therewithal
4 hercogamy
5 latticinio
59 to cast a shadow over 1 kingpost
2 circiter
3 obtenebrate
4 gault
5 scelerat
60 hysteria suffered by a man 1 tarassis
2 loupe
3 melittology
4 cancellarial
5 potichomania
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 government by demons or evil forces 1 rotameter
2 cenophobia
3 demonocracy
4 quitclaim
5 animadvert
62 comparative value of a currency 1 nephalism
2 valuta
3 afterings
4 afflated
5 parrhesia
63 bursting out; bursting forth 1 scilicet
2 luxuriant
3 rhipidate
4 erumpent
5 fipple
64 aggregation of property prior to equal division among heirs 1 biometrics
2 hotchpot
3 testamur
4 furcular
5 calciferous
65 sleep-inducing; pertaining to drowsiness or sleep 1 hypnagogic
2 selliform
3 emolument
4 calcimine
5 stereophony
66 eating feces 1 paracusis
2 boanerges
3 koto
4 coprophagous
5 diffractometer
67 having many rivers or streams 1 parity
2 orchidology
3 phacochoerine
4 fluminous
5 cameriere
68 of the organs of the body 1 varietist
2 visceral
3 lapicide
4 tombola
5 voussoir
69 worship of the virgin mother 1 parnel
2 melanochroic
3 dacnomania
4 parcenary
5 Mariolatry
70 etching in relief 1 diachoretic
2 ectypography
3 plaustral
4 friable
5 cribration
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 to plaster over; to cover with ornamental plasterwork 1 kedge
2 sphygmology
3 eurythmics
4 parget
5 strait
72 one who supports worker's rights 1 retinaculum
2 aboulia
3 workerist
4 sabin
5 troat
73 having hair of varied or mixed colours 1 exsiccate
2 prunt
3 lexigram
4 kish
5 heterotrichosis
74 state of being pug-nosed 1 lactoscope
2 simity
3 ranine
4 hexeris
5 pseudacusis
75 something which can bring back a lost love 1 astrometeorology
2 dentiform
3 comephorous
4 anacampserote
5 thermopile
76 eaglewood 1 stepney
2 noosphere
3 grapheme
4 philippic
5 agalloch
77 instrument for measuring area of plane figures 1 squandermania
2 hagiarchy
3 planimeter
4 platurous
5 floromancy
78 production or generation of nerves 1 neurogenesis
2 koine
3 paracentral
4 solive
5 unction
79 mill 1 crumenal
2 nuptiality
3 molendinary
4 diadermic
5 zugzwang
80 three asterisks used to direct attention to a passage 1 quadriga
2 photodromy
3 xerophytic
4 asterism
5 ankyroid
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 group of eight lines of verse 1 epigamic
2 huitain
3 tardiloquous
4 hieratical
5 monotheism
82 having a mantle or hood 1 witling
2 lockstep
3 chlamydate
4 hardihood
5 japanophilia
83 study of urine; urinary tract 1 talliate
2 urology
3 sacring
4 obstriction
5 agnize
84 incorrect usage of a word 1 catachresis
2 kantar
3 baldaquin
4 lawn
5 prepossess
85 something expensive looking; gold-plated metal 1 sphagnicolous
2 pentheraphobia
3 ormolu
4 deadhouse
5 vernissage
86 apron; part of dress resembling an apron 1 tablier
2 funambulism
3 obloquy
4 fulgural
5 rataplan
87 candidate for a religious order 1 onymous
2 astrogony
3 stretcher
4 postulant
5 lipsanotheca
88 growing in clusters or tufts 1 neoterism
2 dendrolatry
3 caespitose
4 necrolatry
5 louchettes
89 canticle in praise of the Virgin Mary 1 magnificat
2 pipistrelle
3 estrade
4 bulimy
5 ischuria
90 counter-definition 1 soporiferous
2 bonify
3 soporific
4 anthorism
5 oleiferous
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 lip ornament 1 reef
2 aval
3 tetrachromatic
4 labret
5 transmissometer
92 circular argument 1 diallelus
2 bistoury
3 hamate
4 alginuresis
5 cedrate
93 arable land left fallow or used for pasture 1 lea
2 abele
3 elenctic
4 anoesis
5 necrotic
94 dusting powder used in medicine 1 flagelliferous
2 spectroheliokinematograph
3 epipastic
4 quintain
5 sequacious
95 causing crime 1 badious
2 ferial
3 criminogenic
4 retroject
5 vivency
96 able to neigh or whinny 1 agatewear
2 merengue
3 hinnable
4 weld
5 sulphureous
97 representation of praying figure in early art 1 demijohn
2 retable
3 orant
4 exarch
5 gunnage
98 brain disease suffered by sheep 1 decurrent
2 gid
3 watching
4 umbril
5 seismograph
99 riotous or lustful behaviour 1 adoral
2 sanguineous
3 astraphobia
4 liripipe
5 goliardy
100 ropes on edge of sail for hauling up 1 consenescence
2 topsail
3 naology
4 graphomania
5 brails
  by Mosh   Suggestions?