Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | the act of addressing someone |
1 vermian 2 visive 3 compellation 4 morphean 5 lyophilization | |
2 | coarse fabric made of black and white wool |
1 marigraph 2 gangway 3 mamelon 4 myriorama 5 kelt | |
3 | spiked elephant goad |
1 jalouse 2 plantocracy 3 bricole 4 ankus 5 turnspit | |
4 | to divide into small portions |
1 morcellate 2 thanatography 3 histology 4 stratous 5 warray | |
5 | divination using water vessels |
1 turnery 2 synarchy 3 eromancy 4 flysch 5 ephidrosis | |
6 | imitating the coloration of a dangerous animal |
1 odalisque 2 regnal 3 pseudaposematic 4 lactoscope 5 abecedarian | |
7 | woody; ligneous |
1 heliofugal 2 porraceous 3 xyloid 4 gymnasiast 5 petcock | |
8 | to twist; to sprain; to strain |
1 wrick 2 gonalgia 3 bombazine 4 boscage 5 uretic | |
9 | writing or printing on plates spread with wax |
1 anopisthographic 2 penannular 3 vendange 4 cerography 5 dendrometer | |
10 | dark-coloured horse; blackish colour |
1 conciliabule 2 morel 3 maxixe 4 sirenize 5 hommock | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | study of gem engravings |
1 glyptology 2 sericieous 3 chevisance 4 dilatory 5 odontist | |
12 | to change into bone; to become callous or conventional |
1 kraurosis 2 eremic 3 insipience 4 mycosis 5 ossify | |
13 | shaped like a coin |
1 nummiform 2 plantar 3 cingular 4 skeg 5 propine | |
14 | fine thin white cotton or linen fabric |
1 cambric 2 donative 3 insectivorous 4 waldflute 5 quilling | |
15 | direction of growth by nutritional factors |
1 covinous 2 trophotropism 3 misaunter 4 magnificat 5 theopantism | |
16 | extremely bright |
1 machicolation 2 volutation 3 gressorial 4 prefulgent 5 endosmometer | |
17 | production or formation of bone |
1 coenaesthesis 2 radiometer 3 metallurgy 4 delignate 5 osteogenesis | |
18 | becoming liquid |
1 liquescent 2 trema 3 ilke 4 pandect 5 beestings | |
19 | opposition to birth control |
1 percutient 2 simity 3 mirador 4 agenocratia 5 willowish | |
20 | art of raising silkworms |
1 jougs 2 balistraria 3 magnanerie 4 micropolis 5 passivate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | one who lays down paving stones |
1 pavior 2 chyme 3 owling 4 reguerdon 5 filoselle | |
22 | of royal birth |
1 stellify 2 porphyrogenitic 3 boyg 4 messaline 5 cremnophobia | |
23 | nevertheless; notwithstanding |
1 vitrail 2 liturgist 3 donn‚ 4 minim 5 natheless | |
24 | badge of monastic order worn on the shoulders |
1 genitive 2 hymeneal 3 tomography 4 aliquot 5 scapular | |
25 | to retrograde |
1 regrede 2 silage 3 impletion 4 ullage 5 aniconic | |
26 | Carthusian monastic building |
1 erotomania 2 charterhouse 3 barcarole 4 diectasis 5 pheon | |
27 | cattle raid; foray |
1 spreagh 2 ketch 3 bar 4 polemology 5 retrograde | |
28 | horse's gait between an amble and a gallop |
1 jugate 2 plutology 3 zanella 4 aubin 5 sigillative | |
29 | otters, badgers and weasels |
1 rhapsodomancy 2 laccolith 3 anodyne 4 souteneur 5 mustelid | |
30 | instrument for viewing a spectrum |
1 heptamerous 2 theanthropic 3 spectrograph 4 commis 5 ranivorous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | to read mechanically by sight alone |
1 astragal 2 retinise 3 metonymy 4 bannock 5 necropsy | |
32 | emission of ill-smelling sweat |
1 osmidrosis 2 lethonomia 3 necessarianism 4 suint 5 cometology | |
33 | foremost end of ship's keel |
1 notabilia 2 groundling 3 lackaday 4 esemplasy 5 forefoot | |
34 | system for improving memory |
1 mnemotechny 2 euonymous 3 catamount 4 puccoon 5 alcovinometer | |
35 | female sexual partner |
1 osmidrosis 2 bipennate 3 paracoita 4 coul‚e 5 twizzle | |
36 | without |
1 sine 2 graphemics 3 urticant 4 psychograph 5 modalism | |
37 | old wind instrument resembling the cornet |
1 zinke 2 supernumerary 3 oryctology 4 duenna 5 zwitterion | |
38 | tending to produce sleep |
1 yttriferous 2 surnominal 3 soporific 4 peculation 5 tatou | |
39 | to deprive or divest of power |
1 limnophilous 2 diaphanometer 3 calefactory 4 alveromancy 5 depotentiate | |
40 | supplicating; expressing entreaty |
1 tog 2 oenophilist 3 precative 4 hagioscope 5 consenescence | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | inquirer |
1 oligochrome 2 querist 3 spatilomancy 4 subrident 5 parget | |
42 | superficial enthusiasm for Scottish culture |
1 retromingent 2 scialytic 3 balmorality 4 cleromancy 5 imago | |
43 | plant living on dead or decaying matter |
1 xanthic 2 epinosic 3 cacolet 4 saprophyte 5 athetesis | |
44 | toast to someone's health; to go caroling or carousing; spiced ale |
1 wassail 2 epopee 3 subtrist 4 agyiophobia 5 isotherm | |
45 | frame or stand for keeping things off the floor |
1 singultous 2 medicaster 3 merino 4 glutinous 5 stillage | |
46 | uncontrolled licentiousness |
1 adumbrate 2 satyrism 3 serein 4 chatoyant 5 ergometer | |
47 | stitch made at head and tail of section of book to connect sections |
1 kettlestitch 2 curtilage 3 tramontane 4 kaiserin 5 terpsichorean | |
48 | embroidered silk with gold and silver threads |
1 pinion 2 coram 3 anglomania 4 zoetrope 5 kincob | |
49 | doubled; coupled |
1 polariscope 2 insouciance 3 acroteleutic 4 binate 5 tophaceous | |
50 | corner, edge or slice of anything |
1 multifid 2 ord 3 phacometer 4 statics 5 cantle | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | point of a weapon; a beginning |
1 limicoline 2 gynotikolobomassophile 3 troat 4 paraenesis 5 ord | |
52 | villain |
1 caracole 2 ribibe 3 collectic 4 scelerat 5 xylomancy | |
53 | art or practice by which publicity or notoriety is secured |
1 puccoon 2 trindle 3 r‚clame 4 obsecrate 5 spaniolate | |
54 | red crystalline form of mercuric sulfide used as a pigment |
1 sigillum 2 regardant 3 cinnabar 4 graphospasm 5 pelviform | |
55 | election by a show of hands |
1 rondure 2 bretasche 3 dactylomancy 4 pellate 5 chirotony | |
56 | notoriety; unpleasantness |
1 integument 2 esclandre 3 exedra 4 inopinate 5 woolage | |
57 | noisy |
1 pneumatology 2 strepent 3 homophobia 4 maenadic 5 epagomenal | |
58 | hip pain |
1 m‚tier 2 coxalgia 3 pyrene 4 academicism 5 heartsome | |
59 | rhetorical device of omitting conjunctions |
1 xylophagous 2 squinch 3 courante 4 verbatim 5 asyndeton | |
60 | inmost parts of a building or temple; innermost secrets |
1 ansate 2 ravelin 3 antitypy 4 gerent 5 penetralia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | to unsew the eyes of |
1 bursiculate 2 absit 3 unseel 4 anacusic 5 judder | |
62 | prayer service held at dawn following matins |
1 lauds 2 gu‚ridon 3 jark 4 rachiometer 5 trema | |
63 | collecting of matchbox labels |
1 reliquiae 2 bosselated 3 cryptaesthetic 4 phillumeny 5 retral | |
64 | growing languid |
1 deiparous 2 sialic 3 languescent 4 cavatina 5 heterology | |
65 | to upset; to disorder |
1 vivency 2 meteoritics 3 sicarian 4 illimitable 5 overset | |
66 | device for tapping sap from maple trees |
1 prognathic 2 densimeter 3 hebamic 4 spile 5 lurdan | |
67 | wealth; reward; punishment |
1 hod 2 sonorescent 3 phylogenesis 4 depotentiate 5 warison | |
68 | pollen-bearing |
1 scree 2 induciae 3 ramie 4 pollinigerous 5 xenial | |
69 | gondolier's song |
1 mappemond 2 vetanda 3 barcarole 4 sinistrad 5 synechthry | |
70 | listening to sounds arising within organs |
1 epidemiology 2 lares 3 auscultation 4 ideogeny 5 empennage | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | taking an accent in some but not all positions |
1 vibrograph 2 villus 3 orthotonic 4 pluriserial 5 zarzuela | |
72 | bearing rotifers |
1 rowlock 2 rotiferous 3 tonneau 4 lares 5 kincob | |
73 | paying undue attention to minutiae |
1 tonsorial 2 etamine 3 genophobia 4 minutious 5 postcibal | |
74 | dining-hall of a monastery or other institution |
1 zenography 2 bouleversement 3 mythogenesis 4 refectory 5 piend | |
75 | to what place |
1 cheviot 2 reckling 3 whither 4 rotameter 5 hauberk | |
76 | bearing a cross |
1 ceramography 2 plasmophagous 3 isometric 4 cruciferous 5 liturate | |
77 | study of serums |
1 mulligrubs 2 soporose 3 thalassocracy 4 antilegomena 5 serology | |
78 | liqueur made from the wild cherry |
1 paroemia 2 kirsch 3 physiurgic 4 dilatory 5 tautomerism | |
79 | cohabitation of hostile species |
1 synechthry 2 maniform 3 intuitionism 4 cteniform 5 glossographer | |
80 | that may be refracted |
1 utriculiform 2 crupper 3 coryphaeus 4 refrangible 5 proprioception | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | tablet decorated with sacred figure and kissed by participants in mass |
1 whirret 2 accidence 3 uxorious 4 mastoid 5 pax | |
82 | the art of paper-cutting to make pictures |
1 invictive 2 wieldless 3 psalligraphy 4 mileometer 5 parastatic | |
83 | scaliness |
1 prodrome 2 psuedodox 3 squamation 4 precisian 5 fusillation | |
84 | administering communion by dipping bread into wine |
1 intinction 2 solacious 3 theophile 4 zebrule 5 passepied | |
85 | having cutting teeth |
1 lour 2 secodont 3 olitory 4 anomic 5 yaff | |
86 | small seed or spore |
1 tragomaschalia 2 plexure 3 seminule 4 syringadenous 5 trigraph | |
87 | the nearest side |
1 hitherside 2 ucalegon 3 athetesis 4 dreadnought 5 thrioboly | |
88 | bison |
1 coprostatis 2 spoliate 3 bonasus 4 motatory 5 greave | |
89 | shoemaker |
1 megascope 2 cordwainer 3 abatjour 4 cornice 5 photobiology | |
90 | mental effort towards a goal, desire, purpose |
1 marquetry 2 tessera 3 hednon 4 poop 5 conation | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | single; unmarried |
1 aneabil 2 oogenesis 3 regal 4 hypnoetic 5 timbromania | |
92 | watery |
1 cyaneous 2 guichet 3 pantagamy 4 hydatoid 5 circumvallate | |
93 | feeding on body's own tissues |
1 rounceval 2 aspidate 3 conification 4 bigential 5 autophagy | |
94 | having or suggestive of the colours of a rainbow |
1 absterge 2 iridian 3 battledore 4 parasiticide 5 onychomancy | |
95 | exuding drops |
1 calvous 2 guttiferous 3 sulcal 4 kaiserin 5 tabernacle | |
96 | eating of dry food |
1 museology 2 xerophagy 3 scioptic 4 lickerish 5 raptorial | |
97 | discordant; abhorrent |
1 headland 2 iatrophobia 3 paracme 4 ambages 5 absonant | |
98 | moving or directed backwards; degenerating; inverse |
1 climacteric 2 retrograde 3 mislight 4 architrave 5 putlock | |
99 | colour-blindness with respect to red |
1 protanopia 2 hypaethral 3 gastronomy 4 contrahent 5 ephelis | |
100 | nomadic |
1 aichmophobia 2 matrical 3 pagophagia 4 dedition 5 pelasgic |