Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | Any form of life too low to be classified as animal or vegetable |
1 xylophobia 2 quadrigamist 3 snollygosters 4 ephemeromorph 5 hibernicism | |
2 | Pertaining to a smooth talker |
1 pathenophillia 2 tolutiloquent 3 venustaphobia 4 nikhedonia 5 vexillologist | |
3 | Having two toes pointing forward and two backwards |
1 mackabroin 2 equinophobia 3 chronophobia 4 psychophobia 5 zygodactyl | |
4 | Having a short nose |
1 brevirostrate 2 proboscidiform 3 fettler 4 tycolosis 5 heliolater | |
5 | Pertaining to someone who is willing to marry all kinds of people |
1 nosocomephrenia 2 myriadigamous 3 preterpluperfect 4 hamartophobia 5 drintling | |
6 | An animal lover |
1 gymnogynomania 2 oubliette 3 philotherian 4 algerining 5 sarculation | |
7 | The grumbling sound of an unhappy mob of people |
1 fremescence 2 scarpology 3 epistaxiophobia 4 iatrapistia 5 dipsophobia | |
8 | Shaped like a rod |
1 virgulate 2 dyvors 3 veriloquent 4 multisonous 5 gerasophobia | |
9 | See Erythrophobia |
1 oinophobia 2 ereuthrophobia 3 gerontocracry 4 cheiloproclitic 5 ectomorphic | |
10 | A fear of machinery |
1 mechanophobia 2 hydragyophobia 3 ablutophobia 4 psychophobia 5 misomath | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | To gulp down quickly and greedily |
1 labeorphilist 2 malacissation 3 xertz 4 mythomane 5 defenestrate | |
12 | A fear of looking at high places |
1 snuzzle 2 anthroposcopy 3 phronemophobia 4 helminthophobia 5 anablepophobia | |
13 | To turn to stone or rock |
1 saxify 2 remontado 3 philocalist 4 kynophobia 5 nomatophobia | |
14 | mental disorder caused by an abusive home |
1 oikomania 2 hormephobia 3 necroponent 4 crambazzle 5 logastellus | |
15 | The art of proper punctuation |
1 procrescophobia 2 mendaciloquent 3 stigmeology 4 resipiscent 5 oneirocritic | |
16 | Speaking foolishly or saying silly things |
1 inaniloquent 2 diacritics 3 pedotrophy 4 osmophilia 5 didaskaleinophobia | |
17 | The fear of wealth |
1 hodophobia 2 philatelist 3 divitiphobia 4 cainotophobia 5 resipiscent | |
18 | A fear of dreams |
1 lygerastia 2 cagophilist 3 onimancy 4 oneirophobia 5 cephalalgic | |
19 | The moistening of something by sprinkling it with water |
1 cyesolagnia 2 spargefaction 3 opsophagy 4 blattoid 5 opsablepsia | |
20 | The unauthorized sale of a piece of property |
1 stellionate 2 ephemeromorph 3 rosacea 4 naufragous 5 catapedaphobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | Interpretations of the Bible |
1 nucamentaceous 2 gynephobia 3 phillumenist 4 rampasture 5 hermeneutics | |
22 | The process of massaging ligaments to cure illness |
1 ectomorphic 2 chronophobia 3 bacillophobia 4 ethnomethodology 5 naprapathy | |
23 | Having bowels of brass |
1 pleionosis 2 chalcenterous 3 enetophobia 4 posthetomist 5 byrthynsak | |
24 | One who hates any form of authority |
1 melolagnia 2 wanweird 3 gubernator 4 cleptobiosis 5 misarchist | |
25 | A thief who robs theater patrons during a show |
1 basophobia 2 cummock 3 voidee 4 efter 5 trullization | |
26 | A fear of hereditary diseases |
1 alopeciaphobia 2 carcinomatophobia 3 veriloquent 4 acronycal 5 patroiophobia | |
27 | To distill something, such as alcohol |
1 pharmacophobia 2 gaberlunzie 3 floccillation 4 dephlegmate 5 ponophobia | |
28 | A person who sells fish |
1 oenophlygia 2 logomachist 3 jowter 4 dithyramb 5 sciamachy | |
29 | An escape from prison |
1 utlesse 2 hyposmia 3 carnophobia 4 conchologist 5 agathocacological | |
30 | The chirping or croaking sound of insects |
1 oinophobia 2 kamalayka 3 leukophobia 4 fritinancy 5 passulation | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | A fear of names |
1 plangonologist 2 alliumphobia 3 spartle 4 onamatophobia 5 theopneusty | |
32 | Being big-boned and muscular |
1 concilliabule 2 mesomorphic 3 kamalayka 4 undecillion 5 theochristic | |
33 | A fear of one's own body odour |
1 lavacultophilia 2 autodysomophobia 3 gynephobia 4 apikoros 5 peniaphobia | |
34 | The worship of nature |
1 pedantrocracy 2 sialagogue 3 latrocination 4 autovoxiphillia 5 physitism | |
35 | A form of arabic poetry |
1 dringle 2 qasida 3 opsablepsia 4 poinephobia 5 jowfair | |
36 | given to incessant or idiotic laughter |
1 selaphobia 2 rupophobia 3 abderian 4 grandgousier 5 ochophobia | |
37 | To buy something of value which some ignorant person has discarded or sold cheap |
1 snup 2 monopathophobia 3 perfuncturate 4 iophobia 5 philematophobia | |
38 | A fear of being alone |
1 eremophobia 2 trochilidist 3 hermeneutics 4 fumifugist 5 ximelolagnia | |
39 | A desire to hold someone in your arms |
1 misopedist 2 stalko 3 cingulomania 4 selenophobia 5 comestion | |
40 | Not healing quickly or easily |
1 dysepulotic 2 abderian 3 prosopolepsy 4 septimanarian 5 dysesthesia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | Speaking briefly about a subject |
1 fewterer 2 breviloquent 3 wanweird 4 phrontifugic 5 abderian | |
42 | A person who will not stop talking |
1 scatophobia 2 blatteroon 3 cloffin 4 spectocloacaphobia 5 enosiophobia | |
43 | A dirty, lazy man |
1 hodophobia 2 iatrapistia 3 gerontophobia 4 feaque 5 ecclesiophobia | |
44 | A mangy, worthless dog |
1 dikephobia 2 koinoniphobia 3 kiyoodle 4 nosocomology 5 zenzizenzizenzic | |
45 | Edible or soft enough to chew |
1 rupophobia 2 vigesimation 3 breviloquent 4 philatelist 5 manducable | |
46 | A fear of clothing |
1 vestiphobia 2 catagelophobia 3 eudemonics 4 necropoliphobia 5 parisologist | |
47 | A fear of constipation |
1 potamophobia 2 anablepophobia 3 hebephobia 4 stigmeology 5 coprostasiphobia | |
48 | A fear of air |
1 lalochezia 2 burghbote 3 pneumatophobia 4 bowdlerize 5 kinesophobia | |
49 | A fear of dinosaurs |
1 silential 2 ornithoscelidaphobia 3 hirci 4 myriadigamous 5 ommatophobia | |
50 | The quality of wise moderation or discreet good sense |
1 sophrosyne 2 paleozoology 3 selenography 4 tyg 5 rectirostal | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | The fear of writing or of the written word |
1 scriptophobia 2 cynocephalous 3 tachyphagia 4 philophobia 5 ximelolagnia | |
52 | an intensive effort to complete something before the deadline |
1 quadrumane 2 gelophobia 3 plenilune 4 charette 5 basistasiphobia | |
53 | Like a windmill |
1 extispex 2 psithurism 3 molendinaceous 4 omphacine 5 neopharmaphobia | |
54 | The fear of radiation |
1 mataeotechny 2 clithrophobia 3 tropophobia 4 radiophobia 5 hermeneutics | |
55 | See galeophobia |
1 philocalist 2 jeeter 3 causeuse 4 gatophobia 5 dolichprosopic | |
56 | A fear of ghosts |
1 agrizoophobia 2 phasmophobia 3 cultrivorous 4 fletcherize 5 hippanthropy | |
57 | Speaking only of oneself or speaking egotistically |
1 philoprogeneity 2 nullibiety 3 vaniloquent 4 onimancy 5 dolorifuge | |
58 | A fear of nose bleeds |
1 acronycal 2 infracaninophile 3 epistaxiophobia 4 zeitgeist 5 septimanarian | |
59 | The fear of being beaten with a stick |
1 ereuthrophobia 2 rhabdophobia 3 lirp 4 nosocomephrenia 5 nosomaniaphobia | |
60 | Resembling a windmill |
1 avenage 2 pluviophobia 3 molendinaceous 4 lexiphanicism 5 decubitis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | A fear of male offspring |
1 ampherotokous 2 arrhenophobia 3 parateresiomania 4 blodder 5 hylephobia | |
62 | To speak through the nose |
1 hederate 2 anginophobia 3 trichopathophobia 4 snoach 5 limnophobia | |
63 | One who hates "whatever is beyond the mountain" (the unknown) |
1 bowdlerize 2 misotramontanist 3 frustling 4 kakidrosiphobia 5 hebephobia | |
64 | A fear of poison or being poisoned |
1 iophobia 2 polyloquent 3 illyngophobia 4 defenestrate 5 kirkbuzzer | |
65 | Fear of dancing |
1 oxythymous 2 rhinophonia 3 demitoilet 4 gubernator 5 chorophobia | |
66 | See enosiophobia |
1 neanimorphism 2 antlophobia 3 aeroacrophobia 4 enissophobia 5 ephemeromorph | |
67 | The fear of touching or being touched |
1 thixophobia 2 vaccinophobia 3 mataeotechny 4 autovoxiphillia 5 misopedist | |
68 | Profound melancholy |
1 prosopolethy 2 salutatorian 3 lypothymia 4 urticariaphobia 5 nosocomology | |
69 | A collector of maps |
1 mythomane 2 keb 3 cartomaniac 4 perendinate 5 phanerolagniast | |
70 | Someone who is prone to lie or believe in lies |
1 pagophobia 2 rupophobia 3 mythomane 4 eccedentesiast 5 heresyphobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | The fear of wasps |
1 grinagog 2 anthroposcopy 3 spheksophobia 4 apodyopsis 5 patroiophobia | |
72 | A fear of goblins |
1 vaccinophobia 2 bogyphobia 3 parosmia 4 klebenleiben 5 droud | |
73 | To flounder and flail about |
1 pnigophobia 2 misomaniac 3 eccedentesiast 4 multisonous 5 spartle | |
74 | The surgical removal of the hepatic duct, common duct, and gall bladder |
1 cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy 2 cerebropathophobia 3 vastation 4 xerophilous 5 bronteum | |
75 | A fear of meat |
1 droud 2 tremophobia 3 cameralistics 4 carnophobia 5 teniophobia | |
76 | The act of weeding |
1 hecatompedon 2 somniloquent 3 parrhesiastic 4 ombrophilous 5 runcation | |
77 | A beetle that lives in dung |
1 peladophobia 2 coprophagan 3 verbivore 4 gubernatrix 5 philologist | |
78 | Pertaining to a dung heap |
1 icthyophobia 2 sterquilinous 3 calligyniaphobia 4 philodespot 5 melophobia | |
79 | A pain in the back |
1 dorsodynia 2 siderophobia 3 rectopathic 4 deisidaimonia 5 blodder | |
80 | The fear of war |
1 cartomaniac 2 neoteinia 3 neuromancer 4 machiaphobia 5 teleophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | The fear of thinking |
1 phronemophobia 2 theodemocracy 3 hematophobia 4 dinmont 5 prognathous | |
82 | To turn up one's nose in scorn |
1 taeniophobia 2 pleniloquent 3 recumbentibus 4 snurl 5 estivation | |
83 | One who collects toothpick boxes |
1 gambrinous 2 entredentolignumologist 3 tremophobia 4 snuzzle 5 ombrosalgia | |
84 | The fathering of a child by an elderly man |
1 opsipatria 2 proboscidiform 3 philosophobia 4 bromidrosiphobia 5 gelophobia | |
85 | 1. A fear of children |
1 psychophobia 2 blodder 3 ombrosalgia 4 paxophobia 5 pediophobia | |
86 | A fear of hair disease |
1 wuntee 2 trichopathophobia 3 presbyopia 4 keelivine 5 chionophobia | |
87 | The fear of teeth |
1 hamartophobia 2 odontophobia 3 arrhenotokous 4 concilliabule 5 trichophobia | |
88 | Trouble making up one's mind |
1 dendrophillia 2 hypobulia 3 gymnogynomania 4 ructation 5 omniloquent | |
89 | A patient with unknown ailment. ( Short for God only really knows) |
1 aelurophobia 2 gork 3 polyphage 4 catagelophobia 5 astrophobia | |
90 | The belief that there are multiple gods with a single leader |
1 enetophobia 2 kathenotheism 3 rustication 4 arietate 5 burghbote | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | A lover of beauty |
1 philocalist 2 lalochezia 3 vespertillian 4 electrophobia 5 scoleciphobia | |
92 | A fear of coldness or being cold |
1 noematachograph 2 cheimaphobia 3 neanilagnia 4 paraskevidekatriaphobia 5 hamartithia | |
93 | A fear of metals |
1 snarf 2 haingle 3 fysigunkus 4 metallophobia 5 carker | |
94 | A fear of disorder |
1 logomachize 2 plangonologist 3 teleophobia 4 haphephobia 5 ataxiophobia | |
95 | See cainophobia |
1 gephyrophobia 2 kainophobia 3 apanthropia 4 stultiloquent 5 morologist | |
96 | A fear of slime |
1 ochophobia 2 myxophobia 3 theriolater 4 bowdlerize 5 carnophobia | |
97 | To perform some task in a careless or listless manner |
1 rampasture 2 perfuncturate 3 aspersorium 4 gork 5 strikhedonia | |
98 | The desire to make love to virgins |
1 oligophagous 2 parthenolagnia 3 odontophobia 4 hyperprosexia 5 kamalayka | |
99 | A skeptic who accepts nothing at face value |
1 euonym 2 omphacine 3 scutiferous 4 pyrrhonist 5 xylophobia | |
100 | The fear of weakness |
1 slubberdegullion 2 katagelophobia 3 regiphobia 4 pagophobia 5 asthenophobia |